Mt5 set sl tp script. Get Sentiment Indicators for MT4/MT5 with 70% OFF .
Mt5 set sl tp script Swap and commission are increasing your loss. Sep 5, 2024 · script to open a buy position at the current price in the MT5 window with a specified stop loss (in pips) and take profit (in pips) - Free download of the 'buysell+sl+tp' script by '4kk4' for MetaTrader 5 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2024. 201 for all Buy orders in the market, for which the Magic Number is “1111”. How to set Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) in Metatrader 5 (MT5) and Metatrader 4 (MT4). - Free download of the 'TP SL Trailing' expert by 'barabashkakvn' for MetaTrader 5 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2018. You can also choose monetary SL and TP. The scripts move all applicable stops / take profits (depending which you use) to the point that you dropped it. Feb 7, 2025 · XP Bulk SL TP Modify for MT5: Stop Loss and Take Profit Manager The EA allows you to set a Stop Loss (SL) for your orders or positions within milliseconds, regardless of the - English Download the 'XP Bulk SL TP Modify for MT5' Trading Utility for MetaTrader 5 in MetaTrader Market Set Fixed SL and TP is a customizable script to set the same SL and TP to a filtered list of trades (orders and positions). unjabisnis. Swap and commission are decreasing your profit. Feb 7, 2019 · An Expert Advisor for placing Stop Loss and Take Profit. Your buy order's TP/SL (or Sell Stop's/Sell Limit's entry) are triggered when the Bid / OrderClosePrice reaches it. Looking for auto-trailing stop script in MT5 0 replies. i want to change the the tp/sl for all these orders to the same value. In this case, set these settings and run the script: #property description "The script modifies all orders (market and pending) on the symbol Take Profit and Stop Loss. You buy at the Ask and sell at the Bid. md at main · EarnForex/Set-Fixed-SL-and-TP Dec 14, 2023 · 1) Script 1 to create a horizontal line specific to the Symbol. In client mode, the SL and TP values are hidden from the broker, providing an additional layer of security. 05 Feb 27, 2012 · i wonder if anyone can help me, im looking for a script that can open 9 pending orders the orders must open 210 pips away from the previous order, and the tp for each order must be 350pips and the lot size must be multiplied by 1. - Free download of the 'Modify SL TP' script by 'fxmeter' for MetaTrader 4 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2017. After Finding a Trading opportunities in forex market it would be pleasing to just Enter to the market and let metatrader 5 Set Stoploss and Take profit auto Mar 20, 2012 · Read through the description, download Buy_SL_TP. com for MT4 and MT5. Apr 4, 2017 · This script is used to modify StopLoss and TakeProfit. . Take Profit (TP): Initially set at the opposing upper/lower Bollinger Band level. May 4, 2019 · This script will change the SL and TP of all open trades of the symbol to the price where the script is dropped off. Using the chart: Instead of relying on the Trade tab, SL and TP levels can be set and adjusted directly on the chart: To set SL and TP, click on the dotted line representing your entry position on the chart and drag the SL and TP to the desired levels. The script will then place all pending orders at these following prices at once: 1st Pending Order = 1. i do not want these effected. 96 KiB Sell Market. when i run ea script i need tp for all 3 orders at 141. 1) and adjusted SL/TP. 2) Move horizontal line to TP price location. de/mt5-masterclass/*Complete MT5 Martingale Class: https://en. 07 Sep 15, 2021 · The Set Fixed SL and TP script has been updated to version 1. Oct 29, 2020 · I have this code for changing stoploss on opened order/orders in metatrader 5. 2) In the (RePlace ANY SL/TP) mode, the EA will change any previously placed SL/TP level for the order/position to the one specified in the EA settings. instagram. Hope it helps! NOTE: for 5 digit brokers (I think you use Alpari) if your TP or SL say you want it to be 10 pips, the value should be set to 100 Aug 17, 2023 · SL and TP are set based on the number of pips you specify in the input screen. ” Jan 7, 2025 · Risk Reward Ratio Calculator Indicator MT5 - Free Download Risk Reward Ratio Calculator Indicator for MT5 - Free Meta: Download the "R/R Ratio Calculator" indicator for free – Create Take Profit (TP) and Stop Loss (SL) levels in MT5 – Risk/Reward Ratio Calculator Indicator The R/R Ratio Calculator is an essential tool designed to help May 31, 2023 · Range Auto TP SL is for you, 100% free for now, download it and give me a good review and you are free to use it for lifetime !!!!. It is a simple timed loop that does some checking and moves SL or TP as required. Show Alert Window (MT4, MT5) — a minimalist script to quickly open your MetaTrader's Jan 28, 2009 · Does anyone know of a Drag and Drop SL TP INDICATOR/EA that works? I've used the Easy EA but it sometimes closes buy orders without a SL or TP being hit. Mar 7, 2017 · Scripts: Set Fixed SL and TP. If you set SL or TP in pips it is preferred before price, so if you set pips and price together the script will set SL and TP according to the pip settings. When I run this code nothing happens even when my compiler print that, nothing is wrong. Added an option to apply stop-loss and take-profit based on the current price rather than open price. 1) In the (Place SL/TP only if SL/TP = 0) mode, the EA will place SL/TP only if they have not been previously placed for the order/position. Useful when there are many orders to edit. Join the TBR Academy ALGO: https://tbr. org for more expert advisors and indicators Les scripts peuvent également être utilisés pour créer une interface graphique ou exécuter rapidement des opérations de trading de type unique, par exemple, clôturer immédiatement toutes les positions. 96 KiB Jan 21, 2010 · The advantage of this EA is that the Tp & Sl are hidden from the broker, so you can override the minimum profit or loss set by the broker. - Free download of the 'Set Fixed SL and TP' script by 'MQL4AutoTrading' for MetaTrader 4 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2017. The EA should manage the trade internally by adjusting the trailing stop based on Fibonacci retracement levels (23. {file}{file} 2. eg bought at 140. New comments cannot be posted. 07. They cycle through each open order and ignore orders where the move would be invalid - so you can use them to move just the buy stop losses in a hedged position because the sells would be invalid vs price. Set Fixed SL and TP (MT4, MT5) — a quick method for setting SL and TP to all orders at once. the script does not display any dialog windows when running the script, so the script can capture the current … Read more Jul 5, 2024 · Indicator displays the value of defined stop loss and or take profit in the deposit currency. For the percentage-based method, the TP and SL levels are calculated as a percentage of the average entry price. 30200 2nd Pending Order = 1. Скачайте бесплатный скрипт для MT4/MT5 Set Fixed SL and TP и используйте его для установки фиксированных значений стоп-лосса и тейк-профита на все сделки на вашем счете в соответствии с заданными фильтрами! Open Source Trading Strategies & End-to-End solution connecting Metatrader4 & Metatrader5 💹 with Python with a simple drag and drop EA. Oke bagi anda yang masih pemula dan bingung bagaimana caranya memasang otomatis SL dan TP ini maka bisa saya jelaskan secara singkat yaatau bisa anda googling juga. For the ATR-based method, the TP and SL levels are calculated using the ATR value and the specified multipliers. Configure the EA settings and approve. mq5 Downloaded 379 times 3. SL and TP are determined based on the weighted average price (WAP), so if you open a new trade, SL and TP will be updated according to the new WAP. Jan 4, 2025 · Set Fixed SL and TP short form of Set Fixed Stop Loss and Take Profit is a very and worthy script and is a need of almost every forex trader who trades Daily. Un suivi dynamique des trades avec un ajustement automatique du Stop Dynamic Stop Loss (SL): Set at the current price ± 2 * ATR value. Basically doesn't work even after refreshing MT5 and the creator has no way of being contacted unless he adds you as a friend. SLforSymbol — set SL amount to indicate SL for every positions for the symbol of the chart. 10. {file}{file} Hope you can download and attach these. mq5 Downloaded 377 times 3. 03. 04. Heaven forbid that anyone should ever want to try using a better platform that doesn’t have all those “limitations” in the first place, i. Also note, there is a companion sell script as well that is set up the same way. You can actually combine that all into 1 Script. 3850 and Stop Loss equal to 1. - Free download of the 'SL-TP Values' indicator by 'livioalves' for MetaTrader 5 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2024. It was coded by EarnForex. Add/Update Trade: Clicking the "Add/Update Trade" button will plot the entry line, SL line (if enabled), and TP lines (if enabled) on the 8 — TP AND SL LEVELS The strategy calculates the TP and SL levels based on the chosen method and updates them dynamically. robotfx. 30220 Jul 22, 2024 · JANGAN LUPA FOLLOW ACAPFX DI SINI👇Telegram Acapfx: https://t. “MetaTrader, also known as MT, is an electronic trading platform widely used by online retail foreign exchange speculative traders. Fixed the bug that caused the TP distance to be set to some very large value when using the Shift + P hotkey to switch from level to distance. I know there are plenty of Metatraders who also suffer from Nov 23, 2018 · Hello everyone, is there a script do open in a chart on MT5 to buy set TP and ST ? I mean when is active on a chart click a button to buy or sell and auto have the TP and SL , also do not needed confirm order if possible, or confirm with one click on the same script? Sep 22, 2021 · Partial Closure EA MT5 can close partially any trade(s) on your trading account, manually by a certain percentage % of lot size and/or trade ticket or automatically in percentage % of TP/SL level for a percentage % of initial lot size in 10 take profit and 10 stop loss levels . If you want to set real TP/SL for all orders at Sep 15, 2021 · FXトレーディングツールのMT5やMT4で指値のTPや逆指値のSLの設定値を間違わない様にする為に、価格もしくはPipsどちらか固定で設定出来る様にする方法を解説しています。 Jun 13, 2024 · How to set stop loss on MT5 mobile. If it is on EURUSD the script will create a horizontal lined call EURUSD_TP. Download ★ Set Fixed SL and TP – script MetaTrader 4 ★ improve forex strategy and trading results! Visit mql. Feb 12, 2025 · Terima Kasih sudah Mampir ke Channel saya . Later if needed I'll modify those sl, tp or trailing stop according to my preference ea won't make any adjustments on those. org for more expert advisors and indicators Mar 30, 2017 · Modify SL TP: Author: Ziheng Zhuang Forum Scripts: Modify SL TP. Drag the stop loss and take profit levels on the chart directly Mar 31, 2024 · Stop losses (SL) and take profits (TP) are essential tools for managing risk and maximizing profit. Jul 28, 2020 · double-click Navigator, set the values in points, if everything is fine, a smile will appear in the upper right corner, and from now on you will have entered values added to each order !!! Orders can be modified as before, that is, you can move SL, TP Learn how to set a SL and TP on MT5. Also, you may right click the script and set hotkey for this script, and enter your SL/TP with the stroke of a key, rather than dragging it from the navigator. Vous pouvez télécharger et lancer les scripts proposés dans MetaTrader 5. I just noticed that you’re looking for something for MT5. It's slightly different on each platform, so be sure to watch the section that applies to the platform you're using. Download ★ Modify SL TP – script MetaTrader 5 ★ improve forex strategy and trading results! Visit tradingrobots. ly/ Jul 26, 2021 · You will be able to see the total number of lots, the total profit, and set virtual stop loss and virtual take profit. 8 — TP AND SL LEVELS The strategy calculates the TP and SL levels based on the chosen method and updates them dynamically. If you are interested, there are several scripts in the attachment, "SetFixedSLandTP_v1-0" is the one you may be looking for. Sep 12, 2023 · Set Fixed SL and TP is a customizable script to set the same SL and TP to a filtered list of trades (orders and positions). If exist than plz share or if any one can help I'll be glad May 5, 2024 · The TP and SL for a single trade can easily be set in Meta Trader, on individual basis and on hitting that TP or SL, the trade is automatically closed. net ini. Nov 2, 2021 · Cần thuê code SCRIPT kéo thả SL, TP vào chart cho lệnh pending trêm MT5 và script close all các lệnh của 1 cặp tiền Giới thiệu sách Trading hay Đánh Bại Thị Trường Forex - Tư duy khác biệt và các kỹ thuật giao dịch của chuyên gia quản lý quỹ triệu đô May 13, 2010 · hi, im looking for the script when my SL change to BE when my trade reaches some profit in $ not in pips because every pair has another pip value. 3. 07 Jul 3, 2020 · These 3 MQL5 scripts will help you to immediately react to your open positions and pending orders. 26 Interesting script? Aug 26, 2009 · so i have several buy positions open all at different prices. org for more expert advisors and indicators Compile the file in MetaEditor or restart MT5. Jun 5, 2024 · Set a SL and TP for an existing trade Double click on a trade in the trade window and modifying the stop loss and take profit in their respective fields. Distance: Set the distance (in price points) for each SL and TP level from the entry price. 10 at 1. 1. Download : https://drive. e. We have that after going through this article you will be able to know everything you need to know about Set Fixed Stop-Loss and Take-Profit script for meta trader 4 platform. Its main purpose is to provide a quick way to set SL and TP on multiple positions while implementing filters to control which positions and orders to work with. To set a real TP (or SL), you must first set the virtual value, and then enter the command in this cell: "set". , 10 pips + spread for GBPUSD or EURUSD). . So i am looking for a script or a plugin for MT4 610 which would allow me when opening an order to set my Stop Loss and Take Profit in dollars and save it and later apply automatically to all orders. 05 Mar 30, 2017 · This script is used to modify Stop Loss and Take Profit of position. Feb 23, 2025 · script to open a buy andsell position at the current price in the MT5 window with a specified stop loss (in pips) and take profit (in pips) that are automatically set when the order is placed. This script file can be extremely useful for traders who want to take advantage of market conditions quickly and efficiently. com/acapfxsaja/Tikto Dec 5, 2014 · showmethepips:. one that actually provides the facilities that retail forex traders need, in order to have any realistic chance of becoming Oct 25, 2018 · Stop loss and take profit initial setting. That's it. academyMT5/MT4 Hack: Set Multiple Take Profits, Automatic Break Even, and Set Trailing Stop Losses For Free!🪙 Want to That’s “One Click Trading” that you want to disable. Below is an example on how to modify the SL of 4 Buy limit orders in one step. Added an option to work with pending orders as well. 00 I also have sell positions open at the same time. Fully tested bug free & efficient solution for live & paper trading⭐ Full Documentation ready. SLforSyblol is always below/equal zero. TIDAK MENERIMA JASA PEMBUATAN EA atau EDIT EATIDAK MEMBUKA KELAS APA PUNDaftar di Broker FBS : https://rebrand. 01 to introduce numerous changes: Added an MT5 version of the script. for example : i open trade and I set my SL (3$) and my TP (9$), and i need when my trade had profit 3$ to change my SL to BE . me/acapfx2020 File Ada Dalam Channel ni. wish you the best. 6%, 38. In MT5 settings, allow automatic strategies and activate the option on the toolbar "Auto Trading ". Trailing. - Execute the trade with the predefined lot size (0. Automated-Trading 2017. " #property script_show_inputs #property strict Mar 26, 2021 · SL and TP could be hidden. ¡Descargue gratis el script para establecer SL y TP fijos para MT4/MT5 y utilícelo para establecer stop-loss y take-profit fijos en todas las operaciones de su cuenta basándose en filtros! Incluye código fuente abierto. com/drive/folders/1onyb5-JSh-zi4sYTzAHTMxGVSZMRW1pl?usp=sharingรับเขียน EA ,DLL สอนเขียน Jul 19, 2021 · TP/SL are prices as @rrocchi says. de/mt5-martingale-class/*Recom Jul 30, 2008 · - Adjust SL/TP by adding the spread to your desired values (e. Oct 19, 2020 · EA only works some of the time. 80. Set your desired TP and SL levels in pips. Jun 13, 2017 · Through its flexible settings, you can set the script to either close only trades, or only pending orders, or both market trades and pending orders. 30300 and each pending order must be 2 pips apart. 8%) as the price moves favourably. Note: It calculates an estimated value based on a simple calculation and does not take into account brokerage commissions. Fixed the bug that caused a delay for the TP line movement when it was in the TP-locked-on-SL mode in MT5. Set Fixed SL and TP is a custom MetaTrader script that sets stop-loss and take-profit to a fixed distance in points from the selected price. With all scripts in Mt4 you need to make sure Auto trading is turned on - Also If you have a EA that is automatically managing orders you may find the Script will remove your SL and TP on all orders and then your trade manager will put them back on so in this case remember to remove your EA so this Mar 16, 2024 · To set multiple take profit (TP) levels in MetaTrader 5 (MT5), you’ll need to work around the platform’s limitations. But setting these orders on MT5 can be a little confusing, depending on which version you're using. Jun 15, 2024 · Customize TP/SL: Enable/Disable: Choose whether to include a stop-loss (SL) and up to five take-profit (TP) levels. bmtrading. Sep 29, 2016 · The script modifies all orders (market and pending) on the symbol with specified Take Profit and Stop Loss. Most "simple" EAs can be run as a script. Download ★ Modify SL TP – script MetaTrader 4 ★ improve forex strategy and trading results! Visit mql. 1 2. The different versions of the SL-TP_move by Mouse are not very user friendly and don't allow you to set your sl tp within 10 pips of the current price. If you use the one click trading, it only works about 40% of the time of setting TP and SL but 60% I am still having to manually update the TP and SL. There is also a function for - English Buy the 'TP SL Bot MT5' Trading Utility for MetaTrader 5 in MetaTrader Market Aug 8, 2024 · Supertrend (Buy/Sell) with TP & SL: An Enhanced Trading Tool This Pine Script indicator combines the popular Supertrend indicator with multiple take-profit (TP) and stop-loss (SL) levels, providing traders with a comprehensive visual aid for potential entries, exits, and risk management. usually a script will then be removed once executed but this one will stay active and use the timing sequence. mq4, follow the directions to put the script in the correct location. May 15, 2018 · MT4 Forex Brokers MT5 Forex brokers PayPal Brokers Skrill Brokers Oil Trading Brokers Gold Trading Brokers Web Browser Platform Brokers with CFD Trading ECN Brokers Feb 11, 2025 · Documentation Complète : Bot de Trading MT5 avec Gestion Dynamique des TP et SL via Telegram Introduction Ce bot de trading automatise la gestion des ordres sur MetaTrader 5 (MT5) en suivant des signaux envoyés via Telegram. Don't you Công cụ đặt SL TP hàng loạt được mình tự tạo bằng AI chatgpt, nên nhìn khá đơn sơ, các bạn có thể nhờ chatgpt chỉnh sửa lại giao diện, ca Mar 19, 2014 · Hello, It takes me too long to figure out pips for SL and TP. Download free MT4/MT5 Set Fixed SL and TP script and use it to set fixed stop-loss and take-profit on all trades in your account based on filters! Open source code included. - Free download of the 'AutoSet SL TP' expert by 'barabashkakvn' for MetaTrader 5 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2019. - Set-Fixed-SL-and-TP/README. This script is used to modify the stop loss and take profit of the position of the current chart. Dec 16, 2024 · Using the ATR indicator to set Stop Loss and Take Profit levels provides a dynamic and flexible way to manage risk based on the volatility of the market. Il assure : Une gestion intelligente des entrées d’ordre (LIMIT ou STOP) en fonction du marché. Jun 28, 2023 · Where to find the Basic Script EA's and Indicators for MT5 3 replies. Add from the Navigator / Strategies window Auto SL TP to the chart using the method hold + drop. New comment Any one of StopLoss and TakeProfit,if you do not want to change it,just set it to 0. 6 from the previous order eg order 1 : buy limit, lot size 0. Buy Market. Fixed display of swap values with too many decimal places in MT5. 71000, tp 1. 29 Sep 22, 2023 · Flexible SL and TP Settings: You can customize the SL and TP values according to your trading strategy. All positions of the current chart will be updated with the same sl/tp Feb 22, 2022 · Script Auto TP dan SL ini support semua broker yajadi bisa anda pakai di mana saja asal MT4untuk SL dan TP otomatis MT5 nya silahkan anda cari di blog www. Range Auto TP SL is a EA to set Stop Loss and Take Profit level based on range using Average True Range (ATR). Hidden SL and TP Option: The EA offers both server-based and client-based SL and TP modes. net for more expert advisors and indicators Oct 18, 2023 · TP SL Bot MT5: TP SL Bot is a utility that automatically sets Stop Loss and Take Profit for newly opened orders in several ways. Mar 7, 2017 · This script scans for open orders and sets a fixed stop loss and take profit to all of the relevant. Update - Now it is getting worse. - Free download of the 'Modify All TP SL' script by 'Tecciztecatl' for MetaTrader 4 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2016. Script works fine people! Just added now with latest build of Mt4 on 18/04/16 . Cloud sync objects - mt4 or mt5 script 2 replies May 17, 2022 · I use the 1st one, as you have an option to set the EA for each currency pair separately - TP & SL ( but in $ not in pips ). {image} {image} Apr 4, 2017 · Let's say,if you do not want to change the stop loss price of positions,just set stoploss pips to 0. Scripts execute immediately while an EA needs an incoming tick to fire. New comment Admin 182807. Migrating MT4-MT5 - Do you have a universal emulation script? 0 replies. google. 09. That is why I've wrote these scripts that will allow me to react fast when I must modify my Sl and/or TP especially when I have many open and/or pending trades. This method ensures that your SL and TP are always in tune with current market conditions, preventing unnecessary stop-outs while maximizing the potential for profit. 07 11:20 Set Fixed SL and TP: This script scans for open orders and sets a Nov 15, 2024 · The Set fixed SL and TP script for MT4 is very handy tool to forex traders to place or change the stop loss and take profit of multiple positions instantly. Instagram: https://www. looking for Auto-Trailing Stop Script for mt5 1 reply. 30 Open Order (MT4) — a simple MT4 script to open order with automatically calculated position size and magic number. Feb 22, 2024 · These 3 MQL5 scripts will help you to immediately react to your open positions and pending orders. Metatrader 5 bar (top left) - Tools - Options - Trade (tab): then proceed and deselect “One Click Trading” at the bottom. Download ★ Change SL/TP on chart drop off – script MetaTrader 5 ★ improve forex strategy and trading results! Visit mql. 40, 140,60, 140. How to set stoploss levels and take profits points in Forex tradi Feb 29, 2024 · TPforSymbol — set profit amount to indicate when to close every positions for the symbol of the chart. Using Ask±n, makes your SL shorter and your TP longer, by the spread. It was developed by MetaQuotes Software. If you want to change only SL or only TP you set only SL or only TP in pip or price, other values Attached here the 2 scripts for buy and sell, with stoploss and take profit features. {file}{file} 3. 3) Script 2 to set all TP values of the 'Symbol_TP' to the horizontal line price. Num_of_Sell is the number of trades to execute. 2%, 50%, 61. *Complete MT5 Programming Course: https://en. Get Sentiment Indicators for MT4/MT5 with 70% OFF . So in this tutorial, I'll show you how to set SL and TP orders in all versions of MetaTrader 5: iOS mobile; Android mobile; Desktop; Web script to open a buy andsell position at the current price in the MT5 window with a specified stop loss (in pips) and take profit (in pips) that are automatically set when the order is placed. I need script when i can modify value of change my SL to BE. hey guys was wondering if there is any feature in mt5 that lets me set tp/sl to all my active orders at once, thank you Locked post. Sep 23, 2012 · You can set SL and TP in pips from the actual price, or set SL and TP at specific price. Jul 3, 2020 · I used to suffer from unnecessary losses and/or cutting my profit short since I wasn't fast enough to modify my SL and/or TP. - Free download of the 'Modify SL TP' script by 'fxmeter' for MetaTrader 5 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2017. 20 and sl for all 3 orders at 140. - Free download of the 'Ronz AutoSLTP for MT5' expert by 'drdz' for MetaTrader 5 in the MQL5 Code Base, 2021. This is selected in settings. Feb 9, 2021 · 1) Place SL/TP only if SL/TP = 0; 2) RePlace ANY SL/TP. 25 Oct 8, 2015 · 1) Place SL/TP only if SL/TP = 0; 2) RePlace ANY SL/TP. Mar 29, 2017 · Then the scripts would work OK. Feb 3, 2023 · I mean ea will run on separate chart, and when I'll place a trade on different chart, ea will place sl tp and enable training stop. 04 Sep 15, 2021 · The Set Fixed SL and TP script has been updated to version 1. Pending Buy Stop orders become market orders when hit and open at the Ask. The script can close deals and delete pending orders wither for the current instrument, or for all instruments. 71350 Mar 19, 2013 · 3) and script works eventhou Sl and TP is not setll Below is an example: Current Price is at 1. g. However, if you have multiple trades and you want to set a Net TP and Net SL (in terms of profit & loss) for all of them, then Meta Trader cannot help you. **Run the Script**: Attach the script to the chart to place trades quickly, adjusting parameters automatically for each currency pair. 💎 The default take profit and stop loss values are set in 5-digit broker format, but for traders using a 4-digit broker, the default must be TP=40 and SL=20. - EarnForex/Set-Fixed-SL-and-TP To set the desired magic for manual orders, use our DaVinci Open order with given Magic Number script: We need to modify Take Profit by making it equal to 1. 30200 I want to place 5 "buy" pending orders in succession from 1. 02. kyttan nkiqc dudk smingnam mxueg baz zkjfkh sdqrk cfenq cyidl bqcgq fncn acv nezrh xobb