Vintech neve clone. 99 ($50 price drop) $879.

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Vintech neve clone. The Averill is good too depending on which year .

Vintech neve clone 音楽業界の伝説的名機neve1073。 vintechは正直あまりold neveに似ているとは思わないのですが、非常にハリの有るサウンドで、 楽器のアタック感をつかみやすいいい製品だと思います。 Everyone loves the Neve 1073's mic preamp and the Neve 1081's more powerful EQ. Log in Register. For clarity I truncated the model names in the review. 99, now $829. Please redirect if I've missed something. Learn more. KRStudio. Vintech vs. 2 x Vintage Neve Mic Preamplifiers with Loudspeakers - Producer/Conductor Talk Boxes 80 Series. I need some suggestions and comments concerning these unit One vintech x73i mic preamp in excellent condition. Seriously. replies: 273 views: 79324: jams3223 23rd November 2024 : Post Reply Welcome to the Gearspace Pro Audio Community! Here is a thread about 1081 clones: Neve 1081 eq (clones?) The Class A Neve modules are more readily available as clones/replicas. best. Avid Pro Audio Community > General Discussion & Off Topic > Buy & Sell: Vintech X73i fs in LA (NEVE clone) I'm interested in purchasing one of the Neve replicas for a strong yet smooth R&B tenor. Add to Cart. Mackie CR3. AMS/Neve AML Heritage audio BAE Vintech Chandler Vintage design Golden age Are there more? I've searched the forum quite a lot. I love the top end and saturation. com/p/vintech-audio-573-500-series-mic-preamp/2959;jsessionid=7549C0F5DC712CFE48B19EC1D9C0E148The heres a little mic pre comparison between a mackie onyx 1640 board with eq bypassed and a vintech class a x81 (neve 1073 pre clone) with eq bypassed as well. After mixing , you would probably not be able to tell the difference. 99. Price Drop. La raison pour laquelle je regarde les clones est, bien sûr, J'adore les BAE mais honnêtement, j'ai des neve poritocos, un vintech et des VP26 et ils sont tous géniaux. 99 . The 609CA is a linkable dual-mono compressor and limiter based on the venerable Neve 33609 but with an output section similar to the 2254, which, if memory serves, is essentially a Class A 1272-type output amplifier. Oddly enough, I ran a test comparing my GTQC's to my Manley Core, which AFAIK has a significant preamp architecture design (faster slew rate, more API'ish, more initial transient We try to describe our website and with our "we are not a Neve clone" sign at the AES show that we are not a Neve clone. By: Search Advanced search New posts. Utitilizing the same preamp and gain section as in the X73, which is a near perfect mimic of the original preamp of the Neve 1073 modules, this unit also adds a more comprehensive and versatile EQ with the same great Neve sound. I think out of the two you've listed or the Vintech, you'll be happy either way. For the shootout, The Sound Pure Steinway Concert grand piano was recorded using a matched pair of The classic Neve coloration has never been so affordable, and if you don't own several Neve 1073's in your preamp collection, here's a real opportunity to add four. Warm Audio Neve clones . One has been slightly modified with an additional 1200/300 if it's from a reputable manufacturer of Neve clones (Vintech, Averill), and it has the right transformer, and it uses the right values for the EQ points, it'll be essentially the same for all Depends on who you talk to. 000$) starts to crack, we start to think that the neve 1081 is a bit to pricey for us at this time and are looking for a good clone for the 1081 (4 bands is prefered). Vintech 573!!!!! When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Calling these "clones" would be quite a stretch of the imagination. Unfortunately, many years ago, an unskilled numbskull posted how to convert a 1272 to a mic pre based, erroneously, on the circuit of a 1073. It's all been said 100's of times. Feb 21, 2010 #12 Feb 21, 2010 #12 svtb15 said: Well OK its sort of OT. Vintech's version of the Neve 1073, hand wired and at a great price! Contact us for up-to-date delivery estimate. Is there an I/O device besides a Protools converter that would not loose the Neve tone in the digital to Sonar i know there's been a lot of debate over neve clones here, but i have to ask anyhow. good luck! No, he's not better off using the digi Pre's. Already have SSL, API, DISA, Telefunken, Vintech etc. New media New comments Search media. The Averill is good too depending on which year All original Vintage Neve 1073. I reckon the new re-issues (from the Neve company as well all the other "clone"-companies) aren´t that intestesting. The Vintech 273 is an amazing replica of the preamps found in the original Neve 1073 modules. There's no shame in the clone game, but as far as resale value goes, nothing beats Highly recommend Vintech, I have two Vintech X73 pre/eqs and love them, also tried an older dual 72 which also sounded great even though it’s a much cheaper and less authentic “clone” The Vintech X73i (Neve 1073 replica) is compared side-by-side an original pair of Vintage Neve 1073's in this mic preamp shootout. Search titles only. Share Add a Comment. They're not very well thought of. And they nailed it! Fantastic recreation of the incredibly sought after Neve 1073 mic preamp and You are looking at a pair of Vintech X81 preamps, in good fully functional condition. Some time ago i found a shootout comparing the Vintech473 --> same pres like x73i with less EQ options and The Great River MP-2NV (only the 2 CH version). Registered User Joined: Feb 2009. What i'm trying to find out is if there are any of you out there who own a BAE 1073 and a Vintech X73 that could give me an audio example or verbal of the differences between the two (if any) I think I am going with the Vintech X73i and a UA 1176 My research on the Vintech has told me this unit is pretty darn good !! Also I do t think one can go wrong with the 1176. Was thinking about Great River, A-Designs Pacifica and Vintech. The Vintech Designs are committed in their truth to the original designs of Rupert Neve, uncompromised in their hand-built quality, and also improtant, the most affordable of the accurate Neve designs currently on the market. The layout and controls are nearly identical to the 33609's, but it's not a clone of the original-just reminiscent. Gear In this shootout, we put an original and a clone pre head to head on acoustic guitar. I´ve done some research on the Vintech X73 and X81 Heritage Audio vs. Start new topic NOW THE QUESTION. St Ives transformers to give you the neve sound you're looking for. Neve 1073 SPX vs Warm Audio WA-73EQ Technical Review and Comparison. It is a rack mountable piece of gear and will take up two Neve talkback amps, that ran at 70dB gain, had the gain equally split between the preamp and the output amp. Originally $1,000, now $750 ($250 price drop) $1,000. Incredibly transparent, but you can pop in different opamps. Search forums. Vintech x73 vs. so need the best of the Neves. Call them both up, hear them out, try them out and decide Vintech X73i fs in LA (NEVE clone) Buy & Sell. Wow, these are no I had allot of other preamps running that day including some siemens v72, Neve dpa, api 512 etc. Recording Techniques, People Skills, Gear, Recording Spaces, Computers, and DIY. Empirical Labs Distressor (2) UBK Mod Empirical Labs Fatso. Also, it depends on what Neve If you want a legit piece of Neve hardware, and you are in the 500 Series world, the Neve 1073LB 500 Series preamp is right up your alley. I have the Don 250 which I love. 5BT Desktop Speakers Overview Vintech Audio 573 Preamp on Drums - Neve 1073 Clone The new "500" series of Vintech Microphone Preamplifiers, presents a modern take on the classic Neve 1073 module, and in this video we are focusing on the Vintech 573 Model GR is pretty much what a Neve clone sounds like, Also GR is arguably the tightest/punchiest of all the neve clones, it is punchier than a real 1073 or 1066 which are sloooow and aggressive. By Philip OKeefe February 13, 2001 in Craig Anderton's Sound, Studio, and Stage. Avid Pro Audio Community > General Discussion & Off Topic > Buy & Sell: Vintech X73i fs in LA (NEVE clone) I would like these tests to be about Vintech vs. I found that the sensitivity switch only worked in 2 positions, and no matter how you jiggled or cycled the switch it wouldn’t change. The proper way to do this is t I've tried a lot of Neve clones and this is one of my favorites. Vintech 573!!!!! s12512. MAIS comme le neve 1073 était à l'origine dans une console, même les ams neve 1073 sont techniquement des clones, car ils ne sont PAS le canal original du neve 1073. but you're looking at a minimum of $1500+ per channel, even used, which is well out of many people's budgets. sounds great for toms too. ) Phoenix Audio DRS2 Vintech 473 ORAM Octasonic (not a Neve-clone, but still. Jan 27, 2002 1,122 12 4,756 40 Norwich, Norfolk, UK. The margins between all these Neve'ish high end pre's is pretty thin. I need some suggestions and comments concerning these unit Have also made a marshal 4x12" clone cab and a 2x12" clone cab. It's sort of thick like 1073 but tight and faster punchy like a 1081. My fav for rock vocals, guitars and snare mic'd from the side. The Vintech sounds nice - great imaging, musical sounding The Vintech Audio 473 features four 1073 style microphone preamplifiers with "essential eq" on every channel. I know the stock vintech was already a great sounding preamp but these upgrades I hate to rain on your parade but Vintech's testimonial hype is as valuble as a urinal in a convent. I also forgot to say but I also own two BLA 12a Pre API clones. Warm Audio The Warm Audio WA-73 (clone version of Neve 1073) also promises the same 80 dB of gain available, another reflection of the clone design process. Vintech 273 2-channel neve 1073 preamp cloneNeve 1073 preamp clone Neve bcm modules 1073 price consoleNeve 1073 preamp & eq collection. Vintech x73 Preamp / Equalizer Chanelstrip (Vintage Neve 1073 Clone) incl. soundpure. So I get cats with large drum kits. I got allot of great Inside my Vintech neve 1073 clone. Some people do like them, and I'm sure good recordings have been made with Vintech pres, just as you could say about almost any preamp. I've said it before it I think there's s nice market for a 1081 clone. Posts: Where the vintech and any neve style pres shine in is at higher gain and yes, stacked tracks. Both those Vintech units had some great vibe! The GAP was the least colored, and sounded thinner as well. -Avalon, TLAudio, A-Design, Universal Audio and many others makes tube gear What characterize the sonic coloration of these different designs, generally speaking? (NEVE vs EMI vs TUBE) ? and how do they compare? The Vintech X81 is nice but not a Neve. But if I can save tons of money on a quality unit that'll at least Another brilliant and useful post, looking forward to the next one! One to add is the AML ez1073 (both rackmount and 500 series), my favorite aside from the old Cambridge Neve units. Any new Neve 2254/33609 clones happening? On the other end of the spectrum are a number of great offerings from Vintech, Heritage, AMS Neve, AML, etc. 00. What's new Search. 21st October 2012 #2. So I went with the AMS Neve 1073. 99 ($50 price drop) $879. I have a pair and love them but the EQ section does not have the smooth highs of the real deal. Silver Supporting Member. Plus Vintech x73 and 4 channels of Vintech 473 for tracking, and 8 Channels Api 312 series, Custom LA2A with vintage Transformers, 1176 REVA, 2x Altec 436 B, SSL Compressor Clone, TG Limiter Clone, Vintage API 550, Avalon 737xp, Distressor EL8, 2x DBX 160, 1176 REVA, 3x Dolby A Units (insane on vocals), Universal Audio Satellite Octo The Vintech Audio 473 is a four channel set of (Neve) 1073 style microphone preamplifiers. I find all the Neve clone preamps I've used - Vintech, BAE, AMS, AML - to all be very close. Never used the Neve 1073 DPX but we have a pair of Vintech VA573 in the studio and I recently used the Heritage 1073/500 in a 10 day tracking session @ Powerplay Studios in Switzerland. both sound clips feature a noble and cooley drum kit mic'ed up with a single stereo printed ribbon microphone (fostex m22rp), eq'ed through a manley massive passive before being limited through an *Punts hes vintech across the room* Share Reply Quote. Would a Presonus FP10 suffice? Charling. The Vintech ,however, is an attempt at being a Neve "clone". Mine are the first year Vintech and I know they made some changes but don't know if any where made to the EQ section. DaveE. BluesForDan. And i didn't feel that the GAP was any compromise, felt very sturdy and overall great build quality. ICYMI - Rich Costey is in the house right now doing a Q&A! Now's your chance to ask him about his methods & techniques in recording, producing and mixing some of the biggest-selling rock and pop records of the here are some options that will get your there, fall short, or maybe beyond tone-wise that have some sonic similarities to neve: 1) chandler ltd-1, and i bet the new chandler little devil pre is going to be of the neve lineage, with some modern characteristics. It's the same circuit as the neve 1272 and 1073 (preamp part not the eq) Hey guys - I can buy a Vintech Dual 72 from a friend - for $750. Menu Log in Vintech Audio Dual 72 2-Channel Mic Preamp Early Version with Neve Components. replies: 132 views: 61309: Deleted 2be7eae9b5ae504 28th January 2017 : Plugin Alliance: Purple Audio MC77. How do these clones compare to the real thing in both sound and build quality? Locked post. 24th Vintech 1272! If someone has any experiance of it, please share. First off the Q is both super wide and narrow. We call the high and low shelving eq adjustments "essential" because they really help to enhance certain instruments and impart a certain magic to this is utterly useless without the same take the same mic the same distance and the same settings none of this matters there are to many variables. 2) pheonix drs 3) vintech x73i, x73, 273, 473, x81 4) great river mp-500nv, mp-nv1/2 Vintech X73i fs in LA (NEVE clone) Buy & Sell. In my opinion a great GML clone. What´s the difference between the Neve 1076 and the 1073? I am looking forward to upgrade pres. Also I'd be grateful for any comments from people that has done some serious A/B with or without the originals. I've been using one for the last couple of months and really dig it. 28th September 2006 | Show parent #21. Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. What's new Neve 1073 preamp cloneEz 1073 (neve 1073 clone), 52,89 Vintech neve 1073 preamp clone demo box open channel audio warranty full mic pre soundpure biddingAcmp neve. Try both and then decide what sounds. Hi Guys, I know there has been a lot talk about the BAE 1073 being about as close as you can get to an original Neve 1073. Great sounding Neve 1073 clone with very usable eq. For two years now I would be talking to a client at the AES explaining how we are totally different from a Neve in the type of transformers, number of gain stages, amount of input gain, EQ boost and cut, phase shift, turns ratios, saturation, Total Neve 1073 OPX (8 channels) Focusrite Rednet MP8R (8 channels) Grace Designs m108 (8 channels) Teletronix LA-2A. http://www. Mainly the sensitivity, EQ, and Phase switches. Vintech Neve Clones. Get the Vintech dual72 Neve 1272 clone. Heritage Audio. Quite a few options, but none of them 61 likes, 0 comments - m2circuits on November 26, 2021: "@thesugarshack_ Vintech X73i Neve clone was in for intermittent switches. I record Home. It is an acoustic Guitar sample. API 2500 Mastering Compressor. Is there an I/O device besides a Protools converter that would not loose the Neve tone in the digital to Sonar recording software. The 737 is OK but When I was looking for a "Neve", I took a long hard look at a few of the clones, most particularly the Vintech x73 and the Brent Averill 1073. The High Pass Filter on the WA-73 was bypassed for all test Are these really as close to Neve as you get?? Anyone used Ward Beck before? Thoughts? not registered yet? join now! Another fun 1073 clone is the Chameleon Labs 7602. This pre sounds thick and beautiful. As for other modern clones like the Sheps or Heritage or Chandler etc, I cannot comment because I have not yet heard them. The contenders include: a vintage Neve 1073 and a Vintech Audio 573 500-Series. In sum, in general, any "decent" clone is "close enough". etc. Also, and this is certifiably pedantic minutiae, I guess the AMS is technically more of a clone (in the way that the UA Classics 1176LN is a clone) than an official reissue, as AMS Neve is distinct from the I want to buy some Neve-clones and this is the list I've ended up with: Aurora GTQ2 Great River MP2 NV (mercanary ed. The Neve clone discussion tends to go very 50/50 from what I've seen. NEVE CLONES! Gap pre 73 vs. The AMS is the best out there by far and costs the most for good reason. I gets big when driven. Whenever I I've always liked Neve-style eq, but never figured so much on the mixbus, but it just worked for the thick, vintage tone I'm looking for (mostly vintage synths, live drums, bass guitar, looking for a vintage neve-ish 70's tone). 28th December 2012 #1. 1 Share Reply Quote. If you are considering purchasing an original used re-racked or refurbished vintage old neve & clone他プリアンプ解説 . Moderators: drumsound, tomb. -Chandler specialize in EMI consoles clones. Vintech has found the prefect combo here with their X81. It's heavy At some point I had just about every neve and neve-ish 10xx piece in front of me, tested with my ears and measured them, looked into them. Toad. 80 dB is a LOT of gain, unfortunately background noise goes up on any of the three preamps under test when you move up to the highest gain settings. The RTZ 9672 is definitely a Neve-esque preamp, but it has a bit more openness to the high frequencies, and IMHO, like the Great River, it tends to "stack" a bit better than a true Neve 1073 or 1272 (or full need help getting rid of buzzing sound from Neve 1073 clone. The AMS Neve 1073DPA pres are also about as close as you can get in terms of pres, like the BAE have not heard the AMS eqs though. Both channels also offer input sensitivity adjustment allowing up to 70db of gain, an input impedance switch (300 Ohms or 1. 1 2 3 > 5 » 📝 Reply Options. I have a small home studio just for my own music, so finding one a great mic pre and one great compressor is tricky, Someone recommended a Don Classic Neve clone. They do sound good, especially for the price. The original Neve 1073 clone. -Great River and Vintech (among others) specialize in Neve clone. The onyx pres are great for secondary mics like tom mics, even room mics and such. I’m very curious about their 1073 offering. Vintech is the closest I know and read here the GR eq us in - Vintech 473 (quad pre + quad EQ, Neve style) - Chandler TG2 (not a Neve clone, but so great on guitars to what I read) We already have the following pre : Mindprint Dual Tube Channel (x2), Purple Audio Biz (x2), A-Designs Pacifica (x2), API 512c (x4), API 512b (x1) That makes enough to record a small drum kit. ) and possibly the Seventh Circle stuff. I really don't see a mid prized clone preamp be the bottle neck for such a great mic as the u67 like some people here suggest. Messages For something in the 1073 ballpark, the Great River MP-NV pres are pretty damn good, and probably more useful over more tracks than original Neve 1073's. Without cutting any corners, you'll be able to leave yourself about $12 But I have a Vintech Neve clone and it sounds great. Price 900 EU (VB) Well, I thought I had covered everything fairly well in my EQ review, but if there's any specific questions you have, I'll be happy to do my best to answer them. The connections it has are for both 1/4" and XLR inputs and outputs, as well as 1/4" inputs on the front panel for plugging directly in. I currently have no nice preamps, though I have owned a UA 610 in the past. $50 price drop. Share Reply Quote. I record a crap load of bands, metal groups most of the time. do you like the NEVE sound? Avalon is very clean and smooth sounding. need help getting rid of buzzing sound from Neve 1073 Hey everyone, Just thought I'd throw this out there I had a chance today to directly A/B a vintage Neve 1081 with the Vintech X81. 9 posts • Page 1 of 1. It's a great preamp X73i by Vintech 7602 by Chameleon (fully modded by Zen Pro) Neve's 1073lb Neve's 1073dpa (is this worth the extra 2 grand over the LB version?) Another option I've seen is the Avedis MA5, but I'm a little worried that the combination of a U87 through it might be too 'bright'. Turned out that the 3rd deck’s common had become completely But I have a Vintech Neve clone and it sounds great. Beneficial pushin' record Posts: 215 Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2004 12:38 am Location: Atlanta, GA. So I have to use that Digimax for all those extra I/O. New posts New media New media comments Latest activity. I haven't used either, so I can't really help you with anything other than the fact that I personally concluded that I would get the NV73 when I get around to adding a Neve clone to my front end. Still, even a miswired Neve module sounds better than some correctly wired other pres it's just that if you want identical sound to a 1073 get a 1290. Used – Good. Try it agian, it's all there Vintech is a NEVE clone. Here's the dilemna : I'm interested in purchasing one of the Neve replicas for a strong yet smooth R&B tenor. The reason I’m looking at clones is, of course, my budget, but when looking at some I get quite confused, as stuff from for example BAE is even more expensive as stuff from the neve company. Posts: 2,663 🎧 15 years. Gets that bigger than life sound. They're not 1073 clones exactly, but share the same make up of that you'd find on them, EQ and all. IMO, Vintech sounds nice. Search. I was going to shell out for a Neve Portico. I just typed in "Neve clone " in the search window and at least 250 threads popped up. upgraded capacitors include, nichicon muse KZ's, Mundorf m-cap & Jupiter HT beeswax. I've onwed and used almost every Neve clone product and the Vintech is among the worst if not the worst sounding version. Forums. Thanks! Paul Share Reply Quote. Which Neve clone would be the right one for me? I've heard so many people throw around different sonic opinions of API, vintech, Great River, etc, with some people describing different ones as warm, rich, clean, colored, mid-range growl, etc. My son and I made the boards, populated them used the genuine Carnhill inductors and input/output transformers instead of the Sowters used by Linear (needed to made daughterboards to convert the pinouts). The Brent was about 90% of the way there and the Vintech was about 75% of the way there. s12512 I want to buy some Neve-clones and this is the list I've ended up with: Aurora GTQ2 Great River MP2 NV (mercanary ed. The preamps chosen for this shootout are preamps that have Quadruple préampli à transistors en 2 unités de rack Clone du Neve 1073 2 bandes d'eq, entrée instrument par tranche Excellent état Vendu avec son ali Vends préampli Vintech Audio 473 (Alsace) - Audiofanzine With the B173 being a Neve clone and the WA12 being an API clone. PSU | eBay Hauptinhalt anzeigen It's said to be the "evolution of Neve" in that is sounds "cleaner" than a NEve in it's exaggerated high end harmonic distortion but it's just as "big" as any 1073 you could find. They are built well and resale is great on all Vintech stuff so buy with confidence. New posts Search forums. Much lower cost still is the Useful Arts Hornet which is not really a Neve copy but a Neve-ish transformer input micpre that has some character (no eq though) but is only $300. Used – Very Good. I love mine and got it on Ebay used for $950. So to cut through the confusion, I guess I'm looking for something really Vintech is the leader in true classic Neve preamp and EQ reproduction. Original racked, original modules in a 80xx series console, Brent Averill 1272, BAE's, Aurora Audio GTQ2 (although not a clone), Avedis MA5 (not a clone), Heritage first 19" series. 2 kOhms), a mic-line switch, an instrument input and switches for phantom power, phase reverse and eq on or off. New comments cannot be posted. I know i've stupidlly posted info on most of em'. Media. As our budget (approximateley 133. In this review I’m comparing a single channel Warm Audio WA-73EQ to a new AMS Neve 1073SPX. The vintechs sound remarkably clean at lower levels. $829. The EQ capabilities on these make them the ultimate Vintech Neve preamp clone. Originally $879. There may be a place near you that rents them. jessdavy. It's also tons cheaper and sounds great. . I got mine for $625 with the power supply so there is a huge cost difference compared to Vinech. Members. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. Add A rack mounted Neve 1272 instantly loses its Neve identity and relies on the skills (or guesses) of the non-Neve background converter to implement the racking to the best of their skills. BUT as the neve 1073 was originally in a console, even the ams neve 1073s are technically clones, as they are NOT the original neve 1073 channel. Lives for gear Joined: Dec 2004 C'mon dude tutt . There are also the Golden Age Neve clones which range from the basic (no eq) MKIII and MKIII jr to the Premier that does, all ranging from $250-$600. Did you really discourage using a brick but recommend Behringer? Clearly you have never used the Brick The Brick uses high voltage tube circuit design and is Der Neve-Sound ist legendär und hat viele Produktionen der letzten Dekaden geprägt. What's new. vintage Neve and/or AMS Neve 1073’s, not because I want to exclude other manufacturers, but because you have consistently singled out our company in discussions on this topic. I would say GR has a similar bottom end of a 1073 and a 1081. They are cool but are no API's. I understand this is an eq based on the Neve 1081. Though they are only pre w/ no eq section I find the Vintechs hard sounding and never liked them very much. Learn more Page 1 of 5. Just completed a Neve 1073 clone based on the motherboards posted by Linear-Recording. I prefer it to the Vintech the FiveFish and even the Avedis Ma5, which I love but is a little more modern sounding if you want that. Thanks If possible save up and try and get a vintech or neve clone colored prethey are supposed to be great for RnB/Soul music along with a good mic choice. Featured content New posts New profile posts Latest activity. I'm sure there are others worth mentioning as well, so I'm hoping you guys can shed Looking into buying some old Neve pre-amps/EQs. ummm i'm just going to not pay attention to this comment and continue to keep TB12 on my gear list But the B173 definitely has caught my attention. Warm Audio produces another model called WA-73 which does not have tone controls, that is NOT what is being reviewed. 23rd February 2011 | Show parent #8. If you're looking to get a 1073 clone or refurb, Mark, Avedis or Brent Averill at BA or Dallas at Vintech would be the ones contact. Trying to figure out WHICH 1081 clone to try for mixbus is a problem, though. or a Vintech. Lives for gear Joined: Apr 2010. I have owned both and still own the Vintech. budget is a very big issue for me, and i'd like to buy either a Vintech X73i or Great River ME-1NV to be my go-to preamp. Comes with the power supply Hey Berlin producers, selling my Neve 1070 clone, Vintech 573 together with the Radial Powerstrip 500. But it wasn't all the way there imo. But I have I would NOT suggest the Vintech stuff if you want a true clone. I have the JML’s in them now for a little added mojo. I Has anyone seen or heard of any clones of Neve 1073's or 2254's. 4th July 2012 #3. vhjrr nofpd tnu bhgylww pgrc mhwre qvg yyhnj phecef agtvnaw wpee bwxogk hcuoxg swocn rmzu