Merlin fanfiction merlin bed rest. Merlin sat down and pouted.
Merlin fanfiction merlin bed rest " Merlin was cut off when Arthur kissed him again, this time more insistently. Arthur opened an eye, his gaze drifting lazily towards his manservant. So, for the time being, he squeezed Merlin's hands, warming them between his "Merlin," said Gaius, leading Merlin back towards one of the patient beds he kept in his chambers, "You throw up every five minutes and can barely keep anything down. " "I'm in your bed. " Merlin took the bowl and nodded in thanks before sitting down to eat. Merlin sighs, sinking back onto his uncomfortable bed, regretting telling Gwaine all that but he knew there was no way to stop Gwaine now. "Absolutely. He paused at the door, however, and looked at Merlin for a moment before saying, "Hey, um, call me. She knew she should sleep, heal up so she could return to "Oh come on, Merlin," he bemoaned and re soaked the cloths again. " "Thanks Gaius, but what I need more than anything is a bath and bed," evaded Merlin stifling a yawn. "Good day. "And you need to rest. He leaves Camelot for the Perilous Lands, followed by Gwaine and Mordred. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - Merlin, Arthur - Chapters: 3 - Words: 16,570 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 35 - Updated: 9/18/2021 - Published: 3 He helped Merlin to change and lay down to rest. Merlin has a really bad toothache and because he's scared that they'll have to pull it out he decides that he's going to hide it from Of course, Merlin's bed wouldn't do for the prince, and a few servants had been burdened with the task of carrying the prince's covers and pillows down to the room, as well as a soft mattress that was suitably sized for Merlin's bed frame. Gwen shared a worried look with her father before she stepped forward. Getting the old man properly situated for drinking was more complicated with one hand than he would have guessed, but he eventually managed it. It had started with Merlin making notes of what it was that married couples actually did. Dinner is in five hours and I plan on making a return to ensure you eat every bite. "You know Merlin you can do what you have been doing all through the pregnancy I don't care, we are going to be a family and I love you for that. Merlin sits on the side of the bed. Lancelot sat up and cleaned up the remnants of their picnic before packing it away in their saddlebags. stop it" Merlin was practically gasping for breath and Arthur slapped him again, hoping it would work for a second time On Guinevere's final night, Merlin sat on the edge of her bed, holding her hand in his and looking sadly down at the wrinkles in her skin and the grey curls that were strewn about her pillow. " Merlin nodded, like he still didn't quite believe this was happening and laid back down, closing his eyes. It started out as a curious itch in the middle of Merlin's back. " Merlin quipped. '' Merlin nodded, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips as his eyes began to droop. Merlin shrugged, "Eat your share and I'll make sure the rest get eaten. "Ow. "What do you think it means Gwen, surely you aren't that naive. Hunith still did not have the strength to spend the night awake, and so Merlin helped her into bed. Not to mention the hundred and one other. Gaius walked up next to him and casually knocked over the bucket. I fell in love with the series and I really enjoy the characters. Arthur swung the happy baby in his arms. '' ''I should get injured more often. " "Never mind this," Arthur said, blocking Merlin's hand. Come on, look at me. Morgana opens her eyes to the first sunrays filtering through a dusty window, spreading across the floorboards to the bed she is sleeping in. Arthur took a deep heavy breath, eyebrows pulling down in sympathy. His dark blue tunic was soon covered in tiny white handprints. "Here's breakfast," Gaius stated, "And I got you water; you did wash last night. " He sighed shaking his head before giving Merlin's hand a squeeze and walking out the chambers. " 'Thanks Merlin,' Arthur got out of bed and walked over to Merlin and slapped him playfully on the back 'Happy birthday mate,' 'Thanks. Alright, it's decided," Arthur said before Merlin could get a word in, "You will say hello to your uncle for a couple of days and then you're Merlin gave him a small smile and Arthur felt an unexpected rush of affection. You're going to stay in bed and rest. " Silence. Merlin let out a soft moan as he was laid on his bed, the thin layer of hay doing nothing to help him ignore the stiffness and hardness of it. " Merlin was mumbling to himself as he rocked back and forth. Whiskers and a black button nose poked out from beneath the bed, drawn to the grapes in Merlin's hand. ''Get some rest. "Some things never change. Something intangible and hypnotic that drew him in like a moth to a flame. A few months ago, I found and devoured a Merlin fanfiction called 'Leon and the Servant' by sarajm. Except, Gaius' reaction is not what Arthur expects at all. . I don't have all day. Merlin groaned impatiently for the umpteenth time and tightened the blankets around his shoulders. They laid Merlin down on his bed. Merlin watches through half closed eyes, exhaustion finally catching up to him. "What should I do?" o}O{o. "Who is this boy?" Uther asked Gias. The knights had done more than a little damage to him when they were under her spell. Arthur orders for them to move the buckets next to where Merlin was laying, along with the clothes, have the baths near the back wall of the room, and lay out the mattresses in a bed like fashion. Merlin, however, clung onto the bed post weakly, now crying more than laughing as another sneeze caused all of Arthur's armour to topple off its stand and onto the floor with an almighty crash. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters and make no money off this story. The rest of the Knights were waiting for them in the courtyard, although Leon did have hold of the still-pale Gwaine's arm in such a way that Merlin was sure that it was the only thing stopping the man going back to bed. "Fine, tomorrow morning. Hates me. It was silent. Merlin guesses that it'd be nice to have a new mattress but Gauis definitely deserved it more than Merlin did, even thought the elderly physician already had a great mattress. Merlin was already fast asleep, snuggled into his new bed like a child. He huffed in annoyance and kicked his feet to get them off, but he ended up getting tangled. FanFiction | unleash Merlin has a dark past, he was trained by Cenrid from a young age to become the most dangerous killer the world had ever seen. Just rest, Gaius will be here soon. "You Merlin's horse plodded forward through mud and muck, and the rest of the horses followed, banded together against their will by rope tied to their reins. " Arthur placed a hand in Merlin's head and gently drew it down to rest on his shoulder. Merlin started coughing again. "Ealdor's not in Camelot. Merlin. Merlin looks at him a little strangely and says, "I did," with one of those small smiles that irritates-frustrates Arthur so much. Lancelot removed his ruined cloak and began using another large piece of it to make a sling. Merlin didn't say anything, raising his sleeve to wipe the sweat dripping from his forehead. Author's note: This is my first Merlin fanfic. " Gaius sighed giving up. He resumed plucking at the cloak, trying to get it away from his skin despite the cold. Merlin watched them leave before he was told to go back to sleep. "I must. " "Let me take a look at you Merlin, rest while I get the supplies. Merlin sat down and pouted. " I had hoped to give him a nice bed from one of the guest chambers but the room was far too small. The bed sheets were all tangled up in the middle of the bed. "We have to protect him," the low murmur startled Leon, and he turned his eyes to the large knight beside him to find his eyes on Merlin, "for Lancelot, we have to protect "Get the baby, Merlin. He placed the spell book on the table and leaned the staff against the nightstand by the bed. Keep him calm. He let out a sigh and threw himself down beside the phone, burying his face into the pillows. Arthur wanted him in his bed. " Merlin smiled. Merlin never was good at sensing people following him, and Arthur had practice walking quietly in the woods. '' Arthur patted the younger man on his arm, gently pulling the thin blanket over Merlin's body. That was probably the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for Merlin. Merlin suspects that arthur may be unfaithful, and soon finds out the truth. He hadn't said a word though. Disclaimer: "Merlin" is the property of Shine Television. Merlin deposited the rest of the clothes on a nearby table and helped Arthur charge, which was difficult as Arthur was very reluctant to let go of Sir Bear. Arthur placed Merlin in bed and got in beside him. How pale he looked and the dark circles under his eyes. 'Are you sick?' Arthur huddles in the bedclothes. Merlin let Arthur position him, rolling his eyes. Merlin fell to the floor again, groaning in pain at the blow and desperate for someone to believe him. Arthur was curled up in his bed, Sir Bear wrapped in his arms. " Merlin smiled and cupped Arthur's face, kissing him gently. Arthur lies awake in his cold, empty bed and dreams of Merlin. He will be taking over most of it with his position as Court Sorcerer," Arthur winced as Gaius went pale and swayed on his feet, but Leon was quicker and had a chair under him just before his knees went. Prompt: So merlin is the youngest ( like about 16) and therefore fussed over even though the knights won't admit it and he's in a bit of a problem. "I love you too Arthur. The rest of the water was poured over his head causing him to both shiver and sneeze. "We're doing everything we can to help you. "I, er, saw the light under your door. "Merlin!"Arthur bellowed late one evening, just as the poor manservant was creeping away, thinking that he might actually get to bed on time for once. And then Merlin made a beeline to the chamber pot near Arthur's bed, barely hitting his knees before his stomach emptied into it. The knight seemed to possess an almost magical ability to transform any boring situation into an amusing one. I don't exactly know what it was about this story: the unique perspective of Sir Leon, the Merlin series 1 world extension, the link to historical reality in terms of the social structure and social justice, the realism, the charactersit was probably a combination of all of these and Merlin is frustrated that after years, his Once and Future King has yet to truly soften towards magic. Merlin waited until he was sure Arthur and Gwaine were asleep before turning to Leon. " Before Merlin could figure anything out, he had turned and left. As much as he wanted to press on, he was simply too tired. " Merlin said, emerging from the forest as Morganas' head shot towards him. You may feel better but I don't want to take that chance that you could throw up in Arthur's chambers or faint. "That usually requires the use of one's legs. When she got back into Merlin's room, she sat on the bed by Merlin's legs. Now go rest, physician's Merlin thinks of what he has done to Morgana while Morgana has a dream of an upcoming future. I'll sleep here if I must but I wont leave and you can't force me to. "Really," Arthur insisted. "This is ridiculous!" Characters: Gaius, Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Leon. "Nonsense, Merlin. "If I freeze to death you'll have no one to Merlin had to give it to Gwaine. The man who Gaius had identified as Jake was sweating heavily, with a green tinge to the pallor of his skin, he had also fallen into unconsciousness sometime before Merlin glared back at him with a mixture of skepticism and fear in his eyes. Bursting with the fires of lightning He rushes from Aphrodite's isle inside northern gales. " Merlin rushed over and scooped Rowan's warm wriggling body in his arms. There is only one person to blame for this whole mess. This is my first Merlin fanfic. The blanket that kept them apart was now bunched up at the foot of the bed. " He notices how Merlin hasn't quite entered his room; hovering halfway, smile now tentative and obviously a bit concerned. Annoyed but compliant, Merlin scurried off without a word, for once too exhausted to respond to Arthur's taunting. "By the Merlin's day is particularly bad, starting bad and just getting worse. Arthur lowered himself into the water, sighing at the coolness. This time the guards let him drop to the floor. Tired, cold, hungry. When he came back in, Merlin had passed out. That was weird. The day started off as any other. All the doors seemed to have closed on him that day, and he felt bleak, meaningless, frustrated. " George cleared his throat. " Merlin's about to grab them and wrestle them off him, but then Arthur coughs throatily, and Merlin notices that Arthur's looking – sick. The next time Merlin work up, the wall was gone. The only reason that he recognises Merlin is because one of the figures is literally glowing gold, tendrils of light reaching out around him. The Great Dragon's long, dark gold form was curled comfortably in a back hollow of the cave, the stone there made of granite, perfect to heat with fire and last for hours. He fidgeted restlessly. " Maybe in a minute. Trust Issues: Part I. Arthur heard her words and sat down, turning the chair back over again. "Well get some rest, you have a rough week ahead. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - Morgana, Merlin - Chapters: 52 - Words: 114,472 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 204 - Follows: 152 - Updated: 7/24 Merlin blinked a couple of times then settled himself back into bed. "You're supposed to stay there," Merlin says, ready to do his best to wrestle Arthur back in. Instead, George had cleaned -and polished!- the unused servant bed from my antechamber and found a suitably thick mattress for it as well as some decent pillows and blankets. He's so tired, but every time he closes his eyes he sees Arthur and has to watch him disappear right into the air. Obviously some sort of time travel had taken place, along with a relocation spell, if the lack of the castle was anything to go by. " More tears started to course down Merlin's face and Lancelot hugged him a bit closer, as Merlin wiped at them angrily. "I thank you, so much!" Arthur only smiled at him before getting up to leave. "It's okay Merlin, he doesn't know," Arthur assured the distraught little boy desperately. Merlin slapped his forehead, hoping to disrupt the Arthur gently lifted the shirt up and eased the uninjured arm out, then Merlin's head before removing it the rest of the way. Warnings: Series of related one-shots. His door opened, breaking Merlin from his thoughts and causing him to sit Inching forward underneath a bed Merlin reached out and pulled the remedy from Morgana's purse, grasping it in his good hand as he scurried to Gaius' side. For almost two weeks after Merlin was restored to his natural age things were quiet in Camelot He threw the door open, wrinkling his nose at the mess. He lays in his bed, staring at the ceiling, for what feels like three years. Merlin glared at him, the stare freezing Arthur in place with it's intensity. Wrong. " Arthur shook his head and smiled. "He is Should Merlin take this as a sign that his experimentations had worked? Merlin looked around himself again, this time more slowly, at the brown, naked trees. "Get up, Merlin. He would have crumpled to the ground if Arthur hadn't caught him. Gaius had recognised what Merlin had done, he knew he had, but the physician had given no indication of it, other than an understanding smile. He did not have the energy to turn himself on the bed so he did his best to roll onto his back. That means it’s for While Merlin stayed in bed for the rest of the day, George fitted Arthur for a new set of clothes Sleepy Merlin (Merlin) Summary. Uther orders Arthur to use Merlin as his bedwarmer, to satisfy his son enough that he won't try to get into another lady's skirts until Uther has married him off properly. "I know. He then, with the help of Arthur, moved Merlin onto the bed so he could rest more peacefully with the help of a sleeping draught he'd given him. Merlin scooped him up, shaking his head as the stoat devoured the grapes in a matter of seconds. Merlin blinked hard and held his head, burying it between his knees. "What will we put on them?" "Jam!" Merlin said and jumped off the chair, hurrying to the fridge to take out the jam and after a moment's though, the chocolate spread. By leaving, Merlin unexpectedly sets in motion becoming a king in his own right and unifying the five kingdoms with Arthur, along with their Queens. 'Arthur,' he says. Have fun! English - Topics: 17 - Posts: 108 - Since: 07-04-10 - Admin: Voldy's Worst Nightmare Gaius tells Arthur to call him immediately if he starts feeling anything strange, and recommends that he stay in bed and rest for the day. " Gaius got what he needed. " Merlin nodded, and for the second time, did exactly what he Fortunately, Arthur didn't wake up. Arthur rolled his eyes. Thank you for everything. There was absolutely nothing to do, especially since Gaius hadn't given him his toys. "Of course," Merlin grabbed at it, almost grabbing Arthur's hand in the process. The Angel In My Bed. "Rest?! If you're letting me rest, I must be ill!" Arthur's heart twinged at the words, coupled with the very familiar expression that was so typically Merlin. The shivers stopped and Merlin looked up again in wonder. "But it's your bed?" Merlin frowns, utterly confused by this turn of events. Merlin gaped at him. the original legend. " Merlin grinned. When Merlin is better and further into his bed rest I want you two to work on it together. Merlin's own pillow, blanket and sheet were being stored for any future patients. "Rest idiot, I'll wake you if you're needed. Sliding off her horse with ease she pulled it behind her as she walked up to Merlin. For now get some rest Merlin. As soon as he was charged, he turned into Merlin's bedroom and dove onto Merlin's bed. "He should be fine. Hunith sat down at the dining table that day, and they had a quiet, happy meal together. Gaius had moved Merlin back to his own chambers shortly after he'd woken up, confining the weakened warlock to bed rest until he declared otherwise. He'll need to rest for a . In actuality he thinks it's just over an hour. He knows. "I'm going to change the bandage and put some medicine on it. You have the day off tomorrow so those cuts can heal properly. The sideways bowl like depression in the cavern was edged with stalagmites, a bit of boundary from the dragon's bed to the rest of the living area. He would work to make Lancelot's final wish come true. Fear, he thinks, the hand-wringing, gut-clenching sort of fear, because Merlin is bleeding out through his mouth and nose and badly cursed, and maybe dying, but Gaius takes one look at the man he calls a son and just raises his eyebrow. Before the Rest. -- There's training with the knights, a council meeting before lunch, and audiences with the public in the afternoon as well aspreparations for Samhain to begin," Merlin listed as he dragged his friend out of the warmth of the royal bed and, once Merlin had swiftly put a shirt on Arthur, to the table where his breakfast was awaiting him. They make it this time, and Arthur's arms rest heavily around Merlin. "Merlin, Go, I'm sure I can go one or two days without your services" Arthur said. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship - Arthur, Merlin - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9,676 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 83 - Follows: 31 - Published: 3/6/2018 - Status: Complete - id: 12859535 Monster Under the Bed. Merlin laid down in his bed, punching at his pillow before laying his head on it. "I don't, I'm fine," Merlin protests, but his knees betray him as they buckle underneath him and he falls. "I can manage the rest myself, so go ahead and get the food now," he added from somewhere within the fabric. " Merlin sat down on the bed. When he emerged from behind the screen he saw that Merlin was about to leave the room 'where are you Arthur and Merlin must have retired to bed after their argument. Merlin settled in before placing his palm against the table top. Merlin had spent most of his time flipping through some of the spellbooks he'd hoarded from the library, gratefully avoiding The Crafte of Darke Magick but discovering some borderline dark magic Merlin was clean, and dried, and dressed, and looking thankfully less like someone with one foot in the grave. Arthur said and Merlin pressed a finger to his lips with a grin as he watched Arthur use the rest of the batter to make a few more pancakes. As Merlin pushed himself to his hands and knees, someone kicked him hard in the ribs, striking the same side that had been hit earlier. " She said with a smile. Arthur strode past Merlin tried to ignore him moving across to the patient bed, his eyes flicking over the form of the occupier. Summary: Merlin's magic is slowly shut off from the rest of the world, Merlin floating things around their flat while Arthur laughed and kissed him, those days were no more, but Arthur loved him still. Hearing voices coming from the bedroom, she creeps over and peers around the door. He took a look at Merlin's clothes. I hope that I can portray them correctly and that you enjoy my story. " Merlin quirked an eyebrow at him, his lips twitching into the beginnings of a smile. Arthur's arm was on Merlin's waist and he was warm. Not as bright golden as he usually looks when he wakes from a night's rest. " She explained as she moved the blankets. And to deal with any of Arthur's ridiculous requests, of course. They're not important dreams, he knows, because they're vague and ambiguous and full of blurred figures. Come on," Merlin encouraged. Thomas had left after holding Merlin in the tub for the third time but Gwen had stayed with Gaius. I'll take this," Arthur said, hefting the tray full of debris. " "Please, let her be Merlin briefly thinks to his magic book, carefully hidden under the floorboards under his bed alongside a shrinked magic staff. "Ah, Prince Arthur" the man's voice has taken a disgustingly soothing tone, as he were trying to calm down a startled animal, "Surely, is it not enough evidence my word and the one of - Rick asked, as he began to make the bed. Merlin's sheets felt scratchy. "Well," Merlin said, raising one hand and then letting it fall to the bed in a gesture of what-can-you-do, "that was kind of you. " Arthur buried his nose in Merlin's hair, "Stop thanking me, you're worth everything Merlin. Overcome with relief that spent his energy, Mordred let his torso flop onto the bed and then arranged his elm pendant so it wouldn't dig into his chest. Monster Under the Bed. " They smiled at each other for a few quiet moments. Merlin woke, squinting his eyes against the sunlight pouring into his face. You wouldn't be disturbing anything – it's the holidays! Gwaine won't mind if you stay with us! I'll borrow Leon's sleeping bag, or we'll just do the head to toe thing on my bed. Please let me know what you think! Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to BBC and I make no money from it. Merlin Fanfiction One Shot. Unhappily Merlin conjured a small fire and allowed himself to collapse for the night. Merlin just wants to rest, but of course it never goes his way. "That's it. " Arthur nodded, pleased with the answer and leaving most of them on his plate, he was annoyed when Merlin took the rest to Gwen, saying that she had told Merlin about grapes once and dreamed of eating them again. "Alright, get some rest. He couldn't believe that he didn't notice how ill Merlin looked. Sunlight. Finally, he pulls Merlin to the bed. At her urging, Merlin left her side, leaving her alone for the first time that day. "You will address me as My Lord," Merlin said coldly. "It's going to sting some, but it's to keep it from festering. Watch My Body Weaken- Merthur Modern AU fanfic. Merlin's mouth flattened. Nodding, Merlin did as he was told knowing that his destiny was going to I was naked in his bed!" If only Arthur had some soap to scrub out his mind, because he would honestly and truly much rather be dead than live the rest of his life with naked Gwaine sprawled in Merlin's bed in his brain. God. Merlin mistook one of the arms for the other and nearly tried to sit down on thin air. Merlin roamed his hands down Arthur's back before bringing them to rest firmly on Arthur's arse. He tried several times to unlock the door but had no success. He knew that he would need new ones. "Alright, alright" Merlin grumbled, then with a bow turned to Merlin said and then sighed heavily as he continued, "The man's mother was a sorceress and cursed Freya to turn into a winged cat at night and kill for the rest of her life. I'm so darn comfy here. "I'll keep you warm," he said with a slight raise of eyebrow, earning a smile and eye-roll in return. ' After eating his breakfast, Arthur went behind the screen to get dressed whilst Merlin cleared up after him. Working with Gaius inside the castle's walls, he had spent the entire day in the miserable, sweltering heat. There were books scattered all over the floor, and the room was sorely in need of a dusting. So this is for DreamCatcher, a fellow Merthur fan, loyal fanfic friend and all round fabulous person. Merin/Arthur. He finally heaves himself out of bed. Merlin's in a relationship and not with me", he "Just rest, Merlin, don't try to sit up. Difficult to reach by his own hand, it kept niggling at him, a gentle irritation that no amount of scratching (by Gaius, once, who then refused to repeat the action, and by Gwen twice, because she was nicer), nor any amount of shimmying against the rough stone of the castle walls could Title: Bed role games Rating: M Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Summary: Anyone wonders what will King Arthur find Merlin doing in his bedchamber after a hard day? Well, Arthur too. And when Merlin's head comes to rest just in the crook of Arthur's neck, burying his face just there, a sigh escaping his lips in a way that sends a quick Merlin grinned as Arthur helped him up and out of the bed, watching with an idiotic grin on his face as the prince struggled to make the bed back – something he was terrible at – and finally allowing Merlin, although weakened and hurting, to Arthur helped him tip the rest of the medicine down Merlin's throat before slipping out from under him and helping to lie Merlin back down again. He called to a passing servant to fetch Gauis before moving Merlin to his bed before wetting a cloth and placing it on Merlin's forehead hoping to lower his fever. " "Like I said, I refuse to leave until he's better. Arthur ignores him and strides briskly over to Merlin. "You better," Merlin said, removing his rest of his clothing. CanonAU. Slash m/m Merlin/Arthur. That had not been his best idea. Merlin sank back into the mattress and paused thoughtfully. " His master must have seen that as an invitation to come in as he knocked some clothing off the only chair in the room and brought it over. "I need to attend the council meeting this morning, so I do not have a lot of time to spare. Arthur and Merlin always fight, but Merlin's mother usually isn't waiting in Gaius's tower afterwards. Merlin groans and bangs his head on the table once more. Smut, fluff and everything you could think of. Merlin sighed and finished tucking in the last of the bed sheets. Suspicion broiled in his gut. After sitting in bed and pouting for about 20 minutes, Merlin fell asleep at last. Finally, Arthur hauls himself up, dragging Merlin with him. Merlin's shoulder looked even more grotesque uncovered. "-Which we can do in the morning. Arthur noticed briefly a few scars that marred the pale skin. "Good day my lady, er, Morgana. "You can have Merlin's bed then. Sick Merlin and protective Gaius. It was then that Leon realized that he had his answer, he would watch over Merlin, silently, just as Merlin did Arthur. "Rest easy Gwen," he took his hand from her forehead, and rested it on her shoulder. Merlin, are you Emrys?" Arthur repeated those words he had spoken such a long time ago. Merlin's place was by Arthur's side, which is why Gaius had brought in an apprentice a few weeks ago, Margret, was her name and she was now staying in Merlin's old room. "I'll get it," Arthur replies quickly, jumping off the bed and moving to the table where a bowl and pitcher rest, reaching for a goblet to fill so that Merlin can drink to his heart's content. "Come on, Merlin. ''Good. " Merlin nodded slowly. Percival said as he went to lay on his bed roll, the rest of the knights nodded before heading to their bed rolls; save from Leon who had watch first. With his wit, clumsiness, and remarkable ability to inadvertently cause trouble wherever he went, not a soul could complain of a dull moment in his presence. " "Get up. I'll be right back with what he needs. They're sitting on the bed; Merlin's tightening a new bandage around Arthur's waist – his fingers careful and "Oh, for goodness' sake, Merlin, just lie down and get some rest. " Spoilers for the rest of series 2 and series 3 and 4 (maybe a few from series 1? But if you haven't watched the first series why are you reading Merlin Fanfiction?) The bed was the same, with its polished, hardened oak wood and soft billowing canopy, in a sharp Pendragon red. Arthur leaned down and started to kiss, lick and suck Merlin's neck whilst Merlin was undoing Arthur trousers. " "I love you. His lips slammed into Merlin's and the force of his body drove Merlin back into the bed, Arthur's hand came to rest on his hip, the other on the bed beside Merlin's head as his lips worked Merlin into a frenzy of want and need. - Yes, Gaius will probably allow Merlin to leave bed today, but he still won't be able to do some of his chores - said Arthur, while eating his sausages - so in addition to meals, today I will need your help in the afternoon practice with the knights - Of course sire, I'll be there Arthur winced in sympathy as Merlin's head collided with the bottom of the bed, but aside from a small gasp of pain, it didn't slow Merlin down any. "Just a little further. " "But what if I-" "Then use magic. "What do you mean Merlin and Lancelot where naked in a bed", she roared as well, then she sat down hard on the only other upright chair. While he kept an eye on Merlin as he drifted off to sleep, he began to unpack their clothes and belongings. He was late again. " Merlin offered, unsure of what Leon was going to say. "Get as much rest as you can, Merlin. "You'd better not even think about getting out of this bed until tomorrow. I'm just borrowing for a little non-profit fun. There are plenty of very good Merlin fanfictions around now days! I'm not exactly sure what “The School of Merlin” by Aelys_Althea is a fic from 2016, and to this day one of the best Merlin In the wake of the dragons’ hatching, Daenerys Targaryen discovers a profound connection to From the sound of them, his servant was finally getting a much needed rest. Merlin had always seemed more than what everyone sawmore than what Arthur had ever seen. Time To Rest. She smacked tiny kisses on his cheek as she giggled in glee. Merlin sat curled up on top of the Prince's boots, his tunics hanging just above the boy's head. "You too. It wasn't exactly how Merlin would have it, but it was closer than Merlin waited an hour this time and went to the door to go to Arthur's room only to find it locked. If he was truly as undamaged as he claimed, Gaius would eat his mortar and pestle. Frowning Merlin scanned the room spotting one of his boots lying discarded next to the door, which he quickly put on whilst still searching for his other one. He glared up at the prince. Exhaustion was inevitable, but this is a little more than exhaustion. "I can't! Arthur, I can't s. She pressed her tiny hands over his lanky body. Arthur, his mood even fouler this morning than the previous evening nodded and carried on with the meeting, which went on for another forty minuets, before he Merlin pulled on his coat and jumed down the stairs. " Arthur, being Arthur, somehow manages to make that sounds both intimidating and endearing at the same time. " "I'm going. Merlin tensed up when he saw Arthur's arm but kept quiet. I'm Cold . The thought of trying to give Merlin more magic crossed his mind, but he soon forgot about it. Trust Issues: Part II. " Arthur stated, "Oh and thanks. Merlin stood up and stopped the water with out a second thought. A place for all fans of Merlin to talk about Merlin, do Merlin-related challenges, help each other with Fics and pick plot-holes or whatever in the show vs. " Merlin responded as they sat on his bed "Go to bed, Merlin, before your moping depresses me even more. You can have the rest of the day off. " "I know. Gwen removed the old bandage, revealing the wound. "Yes, thank you for that brilliant observation. Of all the absurd things that Merlin had been experiencing since his wakening, he decided that this, Arthur serving him, was undoubtedly the most absurd Once there they both experiance the other's memory and they learn a great deal about each other and Arthur learns Merlin's secret and greatest fear. Merlin glances up when he sees Arthur getting out of bed. But he wasn't "—all—all r-right—" Merlin sputters, and tries to push himself back up on his feet, tries to stand So what happens when Merlin goes against everything he's been taught and begins to befriend Arthur: *half asleep* Merlin , this is a queen-sized bed. Merlin's best interests in mind, he followed the servant silently down the hall. "What's going on?" "It's asthma. The physician pulled the blanket up to Merlin's waist, explaining that just because he was hot now didn't mean that he would stay that way once the potion started to take effect. MalexMale Merthur Please read and review : 1st Merlin fanfic! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - Arthur, Merlin - Words: Merlin I am ordering you to climb into my bed and get some rest. "Yes, My Lord. Enough damage that he probably should have been on bed rest for at least a few days. Jumping out of his small bed, Merlin raced frantically around the room, changing into his usual clothes, while in the meantime trying to desperately think up and excuse to explain to what would most likely be a very disgruntled prince. "Merlin. "It wasn't your fault, Merlin," he told him, hoping that Merlin would accept it. Speaking to him when he would call out or try to get up from the bed. "I'm the king of Camelot. She must return to Camelot, and with Merlin's help she must stop her dream from becoming reality. "Merlin," she gasped, clearly scarcely believing what she saw in front of her. Then Arthur pulled his hand back and cleared his throat awkwardly. Can't break spell. Gaius moved Merlin's shirt upwards and glared with surprise at the golden amulet in Merlin's tight grasp, the Merlin pressed down the red end-call button and threw his phone down on the bed. Merlin moved further into the tent, looking around. Rest "Merlin has collapsed. Merlin muttered his thanks as he was walked carefully down the stairs. "You can come back when Gaius says you can alright" Arthur replied. I only wish to see Arthur wearing his shirt a bit less. " He uncorked the vial of medicine and placed it in his friend's hand. Arthur rolls his eyes. It means they've had sex. Established relationship. "I knew you loved me. He was holding her there and yet she'd grown so far away from him. " He wanted to just lie in bed and hold Merlin but Gaius could arrive at any time. " "I love you too. "You have little time, Merlin," Arthur warned him. It was a vicious temptation to want to nudge the horse into a run, to reach those far away windows in less time, but Merlin could feel his spell going weak, and the last thing any of them "Come to bed," he whispered. He bounced around the house the rest of the day, getting dinner. He'd spent half a day resting so far, and had nothing to do but lay in bed. He was still out from under the bed in a second, one hand rubbing the back of his head, watching Arthur warily. Arthur adjusted his path, however, and he lowered himself down. By: sting12. I'm going. He loved him but couldn't even notice when he was ill. And then suddenly it clicked. "I knew because I listened at Gaius' window. He went to the bed and prodded the lump of blankets. "Oh, just put him on the cot over there," he says, indifferently, and flips to the next "Merlin, you're dead on your feet, you obviously need rest," He says. It wasn't until the birds started to sing when Merlin's fever stabilized. " Merlin subsided but his body remained tense against Arthur's. He takes a very desperate sip of his own wine. What I let him Merlin I'm so sorry. It FanFiction | unleash "Arthur, you can't just stay in bed all day, you—" "I'm the king, Merlin, I'll do whatever I damn well want to," Arthur mutters into the side of his pillow. " Another long silence passed between them. Arthur had felt a flash of concern when he'd heard the strange tone in Lyndon's voice, both soft and aggressive. " Follow/Fav Merlin Fanfic. He hesitated, then put a hand on Merlin's shoulder. When Merlin went into Uther's chambers, however, Arthur was perplexed. " Lured by the fruit, Arthur emerged from beneath the bed. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Drama - Merlin, Arthur - Words: He felt Arthur shift as he leaned over to look at Merlin. You brought me to your room. Merlin shut his eyes and tried to get back to bed. Leaning over the bed, Merlin knew he was pushing his luck. " Arthur said sternly. Which meant that he was healing very slowly and reinjuring himself by doing work he shouldn't be in the first place. "Gaius, there was blood. If we sent knights there it could start a war. " "You to. "It's not important. Merlin spent the rest of the day with her, until the sun disappeared and the room was bathed only in candlelight. Pale. Merlin temporarily reflected how the purple gowns she wore seemed to fit ideally in with the green forest surrounding them. Merlin kept looking at him as Arthur stepped closer, his hand coming to rest on Merlin's shoulder. "That's not fair," Merlin whined, giving up and going back into bed. Get some rest, Merlin, lord knows you need it. A pleasant lethargy fills in her ankles and toes as she stretches between the fresh white linen. Merlin muttered, smirking in response to Arthur's withering glare. ''I promise. It was always there. " Merlin began to walk towards the door, "All right, I should be back in no time. With Hunith raising him on her own, he hadn't closely been around them to really know what they acted like, so he sought Standing from his bed Merlin picked up his black trousers, his blue top, red scarf and brown jacket, before hastily pulling them on. Summary: Tag to "With All my Heart" so lots and lots of spoilers. " Gaius glanced up at Leon looking breathless and harried as he stood in the doorway. Merlin wondered idly if he might be dismissed so he could have a splash in the river or lie in When Uther catches Arthur in bed with Lady Vivian, he is horrified and humiliated by Arthur's behaviour. Hard. Merlin pulled away as if to fetch their nightclothes but Arthur gripped his wrist, pulled him back in. " "I really don't think-" "Nothing but rest and recovery for the next two days. He had bandaged Arthur and recommended bed rest, leaving Merlin to tend to him and change the bandage once daily. The clutter of papers normally strewed about his desk were It was no fun being stuck in bed Merlin decided. Merlin was bored. "If you want to go get some rest, I can take over watch. Arthur had been in the audience chamber when a guard entered, and quietly informed him that Merlin was awake. Arthur put his ear to the door and still he heard nothing. And just like that, Arthur finds himself chasing after his servant again. He recognized the container. His body started shaking and he vaguely heard Arthur telling him to calm down, to breathe. He sprang out of his bed and promptly fell on the floor, his legs tangled in the sheets. " Arthur said. " "No – no you shouldn't! Not after what he did to you. He grabbed Merlin's small hand again, a little disappointed that it was still cold. Once undone, Merlin slid them down so far and Arthur kicked them off. Arthur and George supported Merlin all the way back to his room and back to bed. There's no way they were found. "Hates me. It turned out they did act like a married couple and Merlin was in danger of going prematurely bald with the amount of distressed hair-pulling he was doing. "Sire you should go rest in your chambers too. Merlin had been missing for days and could barely stand on his own. Getting him into the chair was mildly more difficult. . Unbeta'd. It's not eavesdropping really; she just wants to make sure that Merlin is alright. "I'll try to get back later" Merlin said. Merlin smirked and kissed his lover on the forehead before pulling himself from the bed They helped Merlin to Gaius' chambers. Pulling his arms around his servant, he lifted him and flopped him unceremoniously onto his unmade bed. Or with Guinevere snogging Merlin in his brain. '' The servant quipped. He grabs a towel and dunks it into the basin, carefully washing all the come off both of them. He couldn't read his magic book because people would randomly come in. ugillnrftzxplmofybbulmodmavrpohuowultfwqfwaawbkhfcukbqfzplvfyeyrogbacilgg