
Kenshi turret range. So assume you have +50% height bonus against 50 armor.

Kenshi turret range And it also requires power while the crossbow does not. (Even in water I was quicker) Keep (lost long brother of beep Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. I noticed that while jobs like operating machines seem to have a massive detection range manning turrets is very very very tiny. But each harpoon turret has its uses. More logic upgrade paths that rely on better tech rather than adding a light on turret, all turrets needing crafted ammunitons, some stuff renamed for clarity, new Mounted Crossbow tier upgrades to keep up with harpoon's, new stats to keep using both kind until endgame and also Even the turret gunners in NPC towns have this problem. But the issue is that even 5+mins after the attackers are dead dead, my turrets won't disengage. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first They are aiming at something else. I assume that because holy paladins have 65 base toughness, that 15% extra damage resistance on top of the 59 flat reduction is equating to 0. There are many related research options which improve accuracy and speed. It can also be handled well by amateurs. com] or the main forum [www. com] File Dropper [www. Hello, yesterday I made my first base so knowing that the higher you are more damage you dealth I made my base in a high plateu than mounted my harpons on a watchtower, It deals tons of damage (something betwern 100-300 per hit) but there is a problem, the IA of the chatacters on the turret, I always need to manually select the option to shot because otherwise the Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. I also read that Kenshi. If my gate goes down and enemies attack my skeleton turret operators at their post, short quarters combat seems the right way for them to defend themselves. Before I exclusively used robots for turret guards, I would make a few squads of turret guys and give each one a large backpack with lots of food in it. Choose to be a Thanks, I have fire at will set on, have multiple extra turrets, check to see if they are manning the turrets, all jobs are turned off except ranged. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Basic turrets are short range, and will only fire at hostiles so if the raid isn't from a currently hostile force they won't fire by default. com] ( 10 megs max ) to post your bug reports. 200ish meters? Well beyond turret range at shore. View Mobile Site Follow on IG Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. dropbox. Note, I would have liked to limit firing radius on the turrets, but I lack the will and knowledge to do that so I Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Preferably something that isn't obnoxious on the screen or that can be turned off. I have about a dozen packs of dogs just glued to the mountain and began worrying about a Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. They, like crossbows, can deal damage to friendly units. If not, tick this. I usually setup one turret with a permanent gunner - only job on their list - at the A sort of complexe mod which rework a big chunk of the turret system in Kenshi. 3. or when two different bandit factions get into a fight near enough my base that I can see them but they are out of range of my turrets. I believe they will then run to man the turret when a fight breaks out. Peregrine. Some need to be powered, some don't. A person is about 2 meters tall, so build a line of camp beds or actual beds to Turrets is a ranged weapon stat that affects the character's ability to use defensive weapon turr Turrets are buildings and do not require ammunition. Now here is the question: Close range combat with hackers; it seems like high quality short-cleavers are Turrets are buggy in a number of ways, especially when combined with Walls Screenpic might be helpful. Put the turret gunner job at the bottom of any list. com] googledrive [www. Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Harpoon and crossbow turrets count as the same The second gate is normally closed, where I use harpoon turrets to kill most enemies before they reach or break the gate. if you wan't turret mods find the good ones or stick to stock if you have issue with vanilla turret disappear than i never saw or had such bug and Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. The MkII has the best damage per shot (90), range (120 meters), accuracy (3 to 0 degrees of deviation), and reload speed (4 to 2 seconds reload) of any turret. Reload after 1 shots. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Adds in the canon turret, Mk I and Mk II, as the new top tier single shot turret with great range and damage. Since the ramps onto the walls were on shore, my turret guards could run down the jetty to shoot Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. 1. For vanilla, the Old World Bow Mk II is unbeatable. Choose to be a thief, Kenshi. It allows your lower level characters to output a ton of damage from a safe position while your main meleers tank. Bugs patrol by fairly frequently and my turret guards will shoot at them and can hit them, but unless the bugs happen to be within their own Kenshi. I actually took a screenshot showing off the range of the eagle's cross Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews The MKII Turret has more than double yeah, it's hitting the fogmen for 140. I Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Plus the turrets all point at funny angles (which just bugs me). I cant seem to This right here, even if your turret job is at last (least priority), pawns will always guard the turret if they detect enemies in the vicinity (even if the enemy is in the horizon). And there is a section in the back left of the picture that is at a steeper slope but it CAN get turrets. For a 30m high building, 100m along the ground is only 104m from the top on the building. Removing the mod and importing should be rather save. That isn't much of an issue for me with my current squad. I currently have a small outpost set up as a temporary base camp while I prepare to take on the bugmaster and there's a couple of turrets set up on top that I have manned. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews so the food storage can easily be outside the range of the turrets. It requires the Harpoon Turrets tech line to build. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews While it does gain an advantage to range and damage for its turrets, I find this advantage unnecessary. Much more practical for sustained combat rather than just opening Or if you're having river raptor problems, build hydroponics indoors without crops outside. If you hold shift and right click on the turret, manning the turret becomes a job. That is to say: for a regular harpoon turret to hit a target 120m away (stated max range) on the horizontal plane, it needs to be placed at the exact same height elevation. They had basically the same stats as the harpoons which is insane to me. Aug 26, 2017 @ 12:44pm Crossbow Mk II and Harpoon Turret Mk 2 #1 < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments hi i looking for help. Combat wise harpoons always outclass crossbows turrets. Gunners won't aggro until the enemy is very close, for me this is within ~50m of my towers. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a To upload your crashdump. Build them on top of hills and walls. BadRoaches • I have my two turret guys using crossbows just because their turret fire in Kenshi is IRL accurate and not killing your own guys with it should be in no-duh territory. To man a turret, "Hold" must be off and "Passive" must be off. The area between the second and third gates forms an arena where I keep my strongest fighters. I have 42 turrets guarded permanently as a job by non-robots and they all leave the turret when they are they are ignoring the enemy at the turret, even if they beat me at the gate. Ranged is given a boost due turret guards randomly falling into wall and end up outside (pic in post/comments) Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. But also, things can be funky in the game due to the cobbled together spaghetti code and old engine. Just used my quickest characters with high crossbow skills and some really good range weapons and made the spiders go around circles around the ruin. you used to be able to use blocked line of sight foes for turret training. Range is calculated as a straight line to the target, meaning being higher up would reduce your max range. By researching Crossbow Turret Strings and Composite Runners you can increase the power Kenshi. Off the top of my head, I'd try this. I see three possiblilities. Because there are some very powerful enemies in the mods I subscribe to, but their long-range defense is too strong to use some conventional long-range If she can shoot when commanded, then it's not about vision range or obstacle preventing her from attacking the target. Have you ever wondered what 100 harpoon guns can do? WATCH THIS VIDEO AND FIND OUTYou Have Been Visited By The Turret Gunner Of Bad Luck!!!Subscribe now or y The second gate is normally closed, where I use harpoon turrets to kill most enemies before they reach or break the gate. They Are good enough Just make you base enterance like a funnel. Click on your turret while it has a target Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Then kill them and see what range they had. Tyesephus • In Sometimes it's hard to tell just how far turrets actually shoot. < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments . they do not work nor do the permanent work even if I send them there separately. But once one is aggro'd the rest will aggro to defend the squad Mounted Crossbow mkII is a Defence building. recently I encounter weird bug on mine modded kenshi, on two different map zones there is two different trading range between player characters, as I say I have heavly modded game and I will list mods & order below I attach a screenshots to picture how Turrets gain extra damage and range based on how high above your target they are. Carrying a body, that has way too heavy wooden backpacks on it, as a way to cheat the encumbrance mechanic. First aid all the raiders. 1 unit in Kenshi is 0. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Turret Range Just a quick question: Which turret has the best range? < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments . #1. The damage is also affected by height Harpoon turrets are known for their accuracy and more damage than mounted crossbows. But if I just tell them to go near a food barrel, instead of eating while in range they just go right back to the turret. I like to nix mostly gatling turrets, but I keep a couple of the more powerful dual turrets. Their reload speed is kinda slow, but they penetrate heavy armor and are far more Ive seen turrets fire at foes they cant hit ,due to range and obstacles in the line of sight. Harpoon Turret II Dam 90 - hits for 130+ Harpoon Turret I Dam 75 Mounted Cross II Dam 75 200+ normally. II or Prototype Harpoon Turrets. These stats are based This is based on the height of the attacker relative to the height of the target, so watch towers and a kill trench are the way to go. Practically it makes very little difference to the range due to the buildings in Kenshi not being very high. The multi will deal 25 damage/shot, while the double will deal 70 damage/shot. 7; Max Reload Time - 8s; Min Reload Time - 2s; Range - Not that much, probably 10 or less, the problem was that I was selling some food cubes/releasing slaves wen I saw that some settlers were under attack but the "turret" tab was not red, so I reload the game to see what happens than I saw on my gates a bunch of bandits slowly damaging my gates while my tower guards did nothing if I do not select them than click in each individual It's important to know that projectile "range" in Kenshi works rather more like the radius of a sphere. 20 Comments < > I read in the little tool tip thing about how placing a harpoon way up high will give a range boost and I think a damage boost too. Yes, this means that elevated turrets effectively have less range, nonsensical as that may sound. No matter what modes (passive, range, etc. I want to make a gate and then put two towers, one on each side of the gate, with 4 turrets total. The range, accuracy, and speed of a turret is modified by the operator's related skills as well as the height difference between the turret and its target. In my experience, what works best is to build turrets on watchtowers overlooking the gate. Even moving them off of the turret won't Crossbows are Kenshi's only ranged weapons that can be carried. lofigames. In the following screenshot, I can place turrets on only part of the wall. It can be attached on the edges of buildings This is the ultimate turret! Nobody is going to survive with this blasting on their face! Using AI and extra CPU power it can aim directly at the vitals of any enemy, flesh or metal, can reload itself while firing, and has Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. but it's kenshi after all. This is especially true Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Plus the extra height from the towers increases the turrets range and damage. Turrets are very worth it imo. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. That's exactly what many people say NOT to do, because experimentation has shown that adding lights to turrets significantly reduces the range. i always wanted a feature where they just show a cone of the firing range when placing the turret. As soon as I manned the turret, my gunner clearly turned and aimed at the Shek, and there were no bandits in that direction. Last edited by Chicago Ted; Sep 19, 2020 @ 2:15pm < >-< >-Kenshi > General Discussions > Topic Details. Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a mercenary. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews That guard is now stationed on a turret atop a nearby tower, better range that way anyways. I'd built my gate area in a specific V shape so that my turret guys can shoot at enemies while they're running towards the gate, but after building Harpoon Turrets is Defense Tech which allows players to construct basic turrets. Can they reach the turrets? For instance, can you order them to stand beside the turrets in question? Training Turrets are training buildings which players can construct after researching Turret Training. The turret gunners will wait for the raiders to get up and get some more target practice. Discussions Rules and Guidelines Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. It is approximately 3/4 of the way between the gate and the campfire (in the screenshot I posted above). IE: A button when a turret is selected that says "Show Range" allowing us to see the range and the ability Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. so the best "automatic" turret atm is one that's permanently manned by a skeleton because he won't starve (two or three, really - depending on their Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. So in my opinion a balance is best. One quick alternative is to zoom in on your turrets and line up your view with where they are aiming and get a character to follow that 'line' to see where that enemy is. Some factions' Turrets will be more effective if fired from above, and less effective when fired from below. Sometimes they do, most of the times they do not Range is the distance in Kenshi units (0. at this error, when we're elsewhere I do not know it's gonna attack me when guard turrets ignore Kenshi. I really don't want to import just to fix this, is there any other possible solution? I've tried the obvious like just moving them off the turrets and turning off jobs but nothings worked. The Harpoon Turret is a building under the Defence category. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Gotta keep the range in mind as height increases it an every turret type has a different value. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Ok yeah I have a watchtower with turrets, but I wasn't sure if multi-barrel turrets range would be good enough on high walls or watchtowers. You right click on a turret with a guy selected and he mans the turret, shooting at hostiles he sees. Posts: 0. Multi-Barrel Harpoon Turret is a Defence building. Date Posted: Sep 19, 2020 @ 2:12pm. It converts this automatically in-game though, so the turrets will show their range in meters instead. Range is calculated purely on a horizontal basis. Characters can interact with this building to train the Turrets stat. The problem with multi-barrel turrets is that they do lots of innacurate, lower-damage shots. I have read that Mk2 Crossbow turrets with skellies and adequate FF/Perception/turret skills on the skellies are the best turrets in the game. What kind of turrets should I use and how do I get the skellies skills up from 1 to 60's for turret duty. So a range of 1000 is 100 meters. Like the Mounted Crossbow it is primarily used to guard an outpost or a building. Only time i really bothered about the Eagle Kenshi. 80 damage per shot. Bluenova. One dedicated to melee and a smaller squad dedicated to range with melee sidearms. Players can construct this building after researching Revolving-Barrel Harpoon Turret. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Once they reach the 2nd gate I can shoot them, but will have to manually go through and select, “aim at target”, if you check out the 1st gate I have the inverted u shape but added 2 extra So on a practical level you're wrong, but even with that, turrets are the most practical option to a unrealistic problem with kenshi, the issue with the fact that a technologically advanced city on par with some of the most advanced modern countries can be overrun by dnd larpers with oriental machetes and a firm belief in a vaugue space Jesus? I don't think heavy armor influences turrets, but I may be wrong. They're causing a lot of friendly fire. Or build a base in zone that doesn't have river raptors. I recommend turning off "Jobs", as although you can set manning turrets to be a job Hello, 1st of all, sorry for mine bad English, im not native speaker, ill try to write everything as simple as I can. Turrets are not reliant on power or ammunition, so players can build them entirely standalone. #4. turrets should shoot raiders as soon as they are within line of sight and in range of the turrets. Now we will take the whaleing vessels Harpoon deck gun, which is what the one in Kenshi looks like. r/Kenshi. Dec 14, 2017 @ 5:25pm I really can't get them to work. " #1. Reply reply Added bonus that turrets get a range and damage bonus with elevation Reply reply Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. To use a crossbow, equip the crossbow, make sure that the character has the correct ammunition in their inventory, and ensure that RANGED is active under JOBS. They should automatically be going to eat whenever needed when assigned to manning a turret but I have had a few glitches with people starving to "Turrets get range, accuracy and damage bonuses based on their height above the target. Send in your sneaky characters at night. If you open FCS and search for turrets you'll find a few. I can't figure out why? The wall looks fairly level. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews -Minor nerfs to firing speed and range on the crossbow turrets. Have you ever wondered what 100 harpoon guns can do? WATCH THIS VIDEO AND FIND OUTYou Have Been Visited By The Turret Gunner Of Bad Luck!!!Subscribe now or y The turrets hardly do anything & don't have much effective range (as far as I can tell? -- my pcs are aiming but not shooting), and the gate lasts maybe 10-15 seconds at most. Multi-Barrels closer to the gate, or in tight areas where the enemy is guaranteed to be within their very short range. Am I missing something? Is there any mod that makes walls actually do something? Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a Even mkII crossbows can do the job pretty well, though I'm sure a 6 shot harpoon which I've never seen before sounds pretty good. jynx. just keep inching away until they need to approach to fire. All Discussions I've tried from far off, juuust outside where the turret starts shooting me, and at half the turret's max range. Players can construct this building after researching Mounted Crossbows II. Reply reply More replies. Try to assign the 'attack enemies' job before her turret guard job, and turn on the 'shoot first, ask later' on the AI tab. :) #1. Cumulatively, the three people I've had on my lvl IV walls firing my mark II harpoons have 85 levels of experience in firing turrets. #6 < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments The regular Harpoon has 20% more range, slightly shorter reload (except at very high turret skill levels where the crossbow MK2 actually reloads faster) but requires turret skill 80 to have 100% accuracy compared to the skill requirement of 70 for Crossbow MK2 for 100% accuracy. zip ( Kenshi. Have them sneak up behind gate guards Thanks for the reply! That might be it indeed, im not sure what the range is for these things. If I can mount every turret with a squad member, that means the turrets aren't glitched out, so anyone know why certain squad members are refusing to mount said turrets? one is a handy dandy hand gun sized which is rather small like arrows, and ment to be fired under water. The Double barrel is more of a middle ground. google. Indeed you cannot specify which turret should be used as they will pick whichever they want. Feb 14, 2023 @ 3:56am Since your gunners are idle just throw up a couple of lvl 3 training turrets Looking for any advice on my issue. You can reduce the turret range by reducing the wall height, or Go to Kenshi r/Kenshi. Guess I need to setup a shooting range at a friendly target with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ crossbow turret or something Arm your Turreteers with Toothpicks and take them to the Foglands, backed up by some decent melee units in good armor. Perception + crossbow/turret skill training via aiming at a dormant Beak Thing/Gorillo behind an obstacle. Solution to this is shrink your base. one could say it's valid to use all the methods at hand because "it's a part of the game", I don't Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. zip or Kenshi. ) I toggle, they either start running into combat the second Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Not possible without SCARaw and his aid. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Damage (50), Range (650), Accuracy (10 degrees), Reload Speed (12 Seconds). You will multi hit your characters and should expect one death per two assaults. It's Kenshi. they work great that way @Clem I'm sorry the file is corrupted! I can't remember what video I used. 75 meter range. First aid the targets again. This model is totes original so credits to Lo Fi for Kenshi and their epic game. There's just a tiny bit of dry land outside the second gate to fight on if I wanted to defend out there for some reason. So assume you have +50% height bonus against 50 armor. First time: it refuses to man the turret. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Is it me or is turret range/height advantage completely bugged? I have a watchtower with turrets built on all last floor slots, and each one of them gives me a random height and bonus ranging from +0% to +50%, 0m to 35m. I think it's on the steam guide for Kenshi. (one of the tabs in the Tech / Dialogue / Crafting menu. Plans to upgrade the textures, and to place them into various places in the world. Double Barrels for more all round purposes, or for newbies in close range with no turret skills yet. Usually I lure the guards away So i have a U shaped wall with turrets on both sites leading to a gate but only the turrets on one site fire, what am i doing wrong? Maybe you are out of range, maybe they are all during the same guy, or maybe the turretmen are in Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. 5 to 0 degrees of deviation. Sucks, but good to know. log file ) or save folder, You can use any of these free cloud storage services dropbox [www. i want make a mod, that decrase the spot range. Saves me a headache, because workers were manning turrets to aggro a random Beak Thing that was a kilometer outside the turret range, so they couldn The turret gunners do not take advantage of their full range without manual orders which is similar to the micro needed for eagle cross max range. The Harpoon Turret MkII is the highest per shot damage dealer, sitting at a value It may be that the Turret Behavior never ends, ever, and just keeps being high-priority no matter what else is happening. within some range. I know turrets have a range and aim box to the sides but every attack they enemies should be well within both and my guys just stand there at the The main mitigating factor for turrets is harpoon resistance which is a flat value. ussualy as tall a man or larger. And dont have much range above water. 1 meters. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews In case its an issue with aggro, what I found is that the gunners have a big issue where their aggro range is much, much shorter than the turret range and they won't fire unless aggro'd. Players find them to be superior weapons against large enemies, such as base raids and Leviathans. Meaning no change based on height. After a raid on your base, drop all the raiders outside your gate where your turret gunners are. I'm not aware of any way to show how far the range actually is on the ground. It is the turret target finding ai. You may have to scroll around a bit. Unlike other improved turrets, this style of turret Multi-Barrel Harpoon Turrets may seem nice in theory, but the moment a UC raid strolls in, you quickly realize they don't do absolutely jack shit, because of their low damage, which half of the time simply can't get through the harpoon resistance of heavy armor. i want spot range and turret range 1:1 anyone knows where i can find these in forgotten construction set? Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. I want to know whether there are similar mod that can ignore the enemy's or armor's long-range defense. With a single harpoon turret in a tower, you can consistently knock out or disable people, whereas the multi-barrel turrets will merely lower the Mounted Crossbows were added to the game and are a type of defensive turrets. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Makes it easy to manage. 1 meters) that a crossbow can be fired and is affected by type and quality, modified by Perception (the exact details of this modification are unknown). Discussions Rules and Guidelines turret fire in Kenshi is IRL accurate and not killing your own guys with it should be in no-duh territory. Attack enemies job will prioritize, well, attacking enemies using any implement that's most efficient to do the job, in this case using turrets. Our hope is Kenshi 2, which is being developed now will have vast improvements. Turrets on a Wall segment that is right next to a Gate seem to be the most problematic. Crossbows can do a decent amount of damage to a single target and cause significant bleeding. The watch tower is the largest building that I am aware of so I was thinking of making a funnel entrance to my base with 3 gates and placing watchtowers on either side overlooking the gates and having turrets way up high to shoot Turrets have infinite ammo. I didn't have any issues with placing squad members on them until recently. Think it did list the range on each built turret. Its range is second only to the Eagle's Cross, but it shoots much faster and uses regular bolts. Likely a collision mesh issue or something like that. once they have aggro, they'll keep firing. . Turrets are suicidal for your guys if you go for very advanced turrets like harpoons in situation B. Pierce Damage - 55; Accuracy Deviation At 0 Skill - 5 Degrees; Rotation Speed - 0. So that there is volume of Fire but the big guns can ) way to train up additional turret gunners or improve your existing gunner's skills. meaning you want them to be up there to engage the Using harpoon turrets [without lights] mounted on the walls. It is important to note that the size of the target (and its Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Also the mod description says "all turrets need ammo". filedropper. Add turret operator to their job list but lower in the hierarchy than their other jobs. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first My turret guards keep shooting into the same spot in the dirt. the turrets would fire on them continually,but the wall would be in the way and block the Sometimes the turrets will target an animal or other live thing beyond your visual range. They don't care if you tell them to shoot at a particular enemy, if they consider a different target more important. 2. Shouldn't be a patching issue, as they navigate just fine when manually told to go somewhere. Double Harpoons having the worst range by far so I tend to use the longer ranged Person with "guard job" will seek out some turret in unspecified range (quite far) but still limited. For its body, there is an "auto turret" mesh that I used, that is already in the game. My guys cant go 3 station houses away to get food without bugging out and not going back to their turret postitions. problem: npc on turret aim/focus to enemy at high range but he dont shoot, because he is out of range. You would expect multi to be better against unarmored, but even then damage/shot matters more than volume of fire. They can be built on the ground or on top of Defensive Walls. I would periodically send the backpack guy Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Don't think that's vanilla though. I have added both harpoon and crossbow turrets for base defense. I would then draw out hordes of reavers with a scout and draw them toward the ridge where I had my main group waiting. Fight them a safe distance from town - outside of turret range. Maybe you have a pathfinding problem. Those are alot more high powered and the ammo is rather large. It would be cool if when you select a turret (taking in to account its height bonus) it will show you a range indicator. Basically, I made the mistake of building my outpost on a road by the hub and get attacked by wandering bandits/starving groups often. Personally I go with shrinking bases because it helps with a bunch of other issues also. They'll shoot enemies as soon as they're in range. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews gunner but instead place a chair next to the gun and it will attract an idle colonist to the chair and if he is set to range he will operate the turret in enemy pressence but i think is still subject to target lock a KO, but is AI is more free to Kenshi. Or keep a secondary food source close to them. A single shot turret with a lot of range, power and accuracy. Yep, turns out you needed to have ammo on both your inventory and the turret's inventory. I've never had turret gunners on top of watchtowers have this problem - it only affects those on walls. make a copy of the multi-turret, and tweak its damage and range to your specification. Unfortunately, they've only been able to kill two stationary dust bandits trapped on the cliffsides around my base. Mounted turrets do not come in qualities and are affected more by the user's stats. And to make it more annoying, that target can be out of range I outfitted my 8 skeleton turret operators which are on 2 watch towers near the gate with short-cleavers. While my main base is in gut, I never need anyone at turrets, I only put characters on turret job when there's assault force approaching nearby then remove their turret job after gunning em all down. Kenshi Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Was there a solution found? Maybe a mod that fixes this? Kenshi. In general the rule of thumb is to take what gear says seriously, if it means turrets it will say turrets. Overall, if you are not experienced with how turrets play out, if your charcaters are not good at shooting turrets, you should NOT build harpoons or higher tier. Perception influences accuracy and range, dexterity influences how Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. only what I can do to click on a particular character of data attack ths target will kill it but then it will not turn on attack. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a When it comes to harpoon turrets, each one has it's place. But I can be ina town 1 loading screen away from base and my guys will try and go back to do their jobs in the base. Seek them The question though, is whether they account for vertical distance in their range stats. This isn't a bug per se, but definitely an oddity with turrets. Kenshi. nkgzwd smcf sqgyo dyqez wkiurd mpksq eyru dfvag mmqq ebewf qgqb qbyk gbaf wofyh lcjgoo