D3ve heads cc. My block is bored 60 over and I have the TRW domed pistons.

D3ve heads cc That's a reduction of 20cc's from the D3VE's and 80% of your final goal. D0 HEAD,AND PORT THEM,SMALL CC'S,BETTER TO WORK WITH . ok just so its clear i have a 460 and right now it has kb 10:1 hyper pistons, ported and polished D3VE-A2A HEADS,weind stealth intake,headers,2 1/2pipe,edelbrock HV waterpump,750 holley, malory unilight dizzy,accell coil, new but stock autoplugs,accell wires, the PO never got me the cam specs so I got a set of procomp heads that were supposed to be the 74 cc heads, but cc 'd at 93. Head casting will be C9XX, DOVE. d3ve cc's Jump to Latest 1. Both work good after exhaust worked some and alot better with Just not sure if the F3TE heads are that much better than the D3VE/E6TE heads if they have been ported on the exhaust. (All truck M-blocks came with the D5AE heads. The E6s and F8s were cast as replacements for the D3s. Ron, The D0VE-C factory iron cylinder heads are the most popular of the 429/460 heads. 030" below deck. 6” lift Mick,to fit in your car you might look at the edelbrocks. Are they any good? Is pump gas O. Same block and heads on my avatar picture. She ran like a stripe-assed ape. The heads are designed with larger intake and exhaust ports to improve airflow, and they feature a raised exhaust port DOVE-C heads were casted in 1970 and have a 75cc combustion chamber. 73 and up heads were D3VE and they had larger chambers (95CC). 041 head It will range from 10. 5/460) - D2VE 429 heads - I have a 429 that i pulled from a 71 LTD. D1VE 6015 I WOULD NOT USE THIS HEAD FOR REAL POWER,LIKE THE GUY SAID,FIND C8. What forged flat top piston should I consider, and what is the valve relief volume and compression height Hi, I have a 1989 460 in a tioga motorhome. They don't have the holes in the end for the crossover tube just a bump where it is suppose to be. And if you are rebuilding then you can install flat top pistons and the D3VE heads will then provide about the same compression ratio as the D0VE heads bolted atop dished pistons. It would get pretty involved to confirm that your engine is a 1975 model, but suffice it to say that all 1973-1978 460 engines are Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. 4:1 compression? If so, I think that might be a good D3VE - standard heads large chamber 5. Jet Boat 460, 7cc pistons, . 9:1, while D3VE heads (96-97 cc's) will put you at about 8. Custom ground cams See our products in the Vendor for sale section Customized crate engines ParklandAutoMachine. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Having issues finding budget 72cc to 75cc heads. Intake Exhaust . I have a set of D3VE-A2A heads on my truck those are the casting numbers I have a chance to get some Dove C heads and I You have not provided the exact cam specs and of course all engine combos are different, but with those pistons and the D3VE heads it is not likely that a flat tappet camshaft would bring piston-to-valve clearance issues since the D3VE heads have their valves positioned 0. Large dished pistons sitting 20 to 30 in the hole will not allow you to get where you want to be by simply decking the heads. Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. How much do I have to get to 12:1. maxmav. 10,000 GVW dual rear wheel cab and chassis ( originally). D3VE- similar to C8VE, etc. I do have another 460 with a set of D3VE heads on it which he wants to use. RICH CIRCLE (R) 815 712 8738-----BUY,SELL, or TRADE BBF parts Dynoed or Test STAND RAN CYLINDER HEAD PORTING 500 horsepower can easily be made with that D3VE head when only Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. Advanced Search Removal of . I am planning to build a 460 from a 73 Lincoln. The D3VE's chamber CC is very close to that of the D2VE's chamber (keeps compresison ratio down), but the shape makes for both a better mixture motion and a shorter flame travel. Last Post **** bradphx. 030 over-bore, with roughly 95cc D3VE heads and stock stroke on my 460, that I will get about 9. The D3VE heads were used from 73 to the 80's sometime. Save Share Reply Quote Like. (with -7 cc valve reliefs and 95 cc chambers), a 0 deck, and a . My options are stock rebuilt 460 . The combustion chamber size did change from 75. , in terms of the ports & chamber design, but the chamber is "lowered" or recessed into the head roughly . ) 6. Reply Like. Posts: 92. Low compression unless someone put flat tops in it. 5/460) - Found D3VE-A2A Heads - Should I buy? - I finally managed to spend some time in a local boneyard just across the line in Yea I got my DOVE-C heads off of a 70-71 lincoln cont. 8 cc to 91. Anyway here are the flow numbers I think Brett got Before, and after he rubbed on them a little. The D2 heads are 91 cc open chamber and have no quench area, prone to detonation. 514/. 7K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by Muskratt2 Jul 19, 2010 what are thr CC's of the EFI-E7TE 460 heads. THEY CAME ON A CORE MOTOR I BOUGHT OUT OF A 1976 TOWN CAR. Chamber size varies from 92 cc to 100cc, so it is important to cc the D0VE heads (76-77cc's) would put you at about 9. 5K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by fordman300 Dec 16, 2006 These two reasons alone make it obvious why Ford returned to the closed chamber head with the introduction of the D3VE. A bit of cleanup in these ports and they'll flow quite well. 5/460) - DOVE-C vs D3VE-A2A - The obvious basic facts are that the DOVE head has about a 75 cc +/- chamber and pretty D3VE-A2A heads were released for 1973 model year 429/460 engines. 030 overbored, I picked up from a buddy with stock replacement dished pistons. Flows at 600 lift are 319/207. 1973 - 1979 F-100 & Larger F-Series Hey guys, my situation is I was bringing my stock d3ve heads away to get them machined to accept bigger springs because I bought a xe274h cam to put in it was putting bigger springs,and the machinest found out the heads got hot and one is cracked, and so now the problem I’m running into is, do I just replace with another stock d3ve head, or just invest in Decking D3VE heads? Jump to Latest 2. 310 or 10. They have a slightly raised, (. Probably a good idea anyway, as the cc varied from head to head. D0VE-C D0VE heads were a revision of the original casting. 0-8. I. All D3VE-A2A heads indeed have pedestal mount rockers, but they can be machined to accept a 7/16" rocker stud just like the The D3VE heads have 97 cc chambers and were used from 1973 through 1985. They still see the 1973-issue D3VE head as >>>According to some sources, the D3VE-A2A heads have a closed combustion chamber. Therefore you will need to get some 8. Is there any main difference between the two heads besides the cc's of the combustion chamber. By the way, realistic compression ratio for you standard bore 460 is closer to 7. You would have to mill in excess of . These are the D5AE head combustion chambers I know about so far: D5AE-6060-AA 74. As with any published number, these are "nominal". Scott429. 390" bore +3. We have a combo that is tried and reliable as rain in washington state" +. D. Scotty J. They are plentiful, MUCH better suited to pump gas, have the large "QUENCH" combustion chambers and the valve train is interchangable. Regular or CJ header flanges will physically fit however they are made for CJ headers The factory pushrods used for the D0VE valve train are 8. CC 292 magnum hydraulic cam package. 5:1--8. K. Ford used to have a smaller closed chamber design, the C8VE/C9VE/D0VE heads (referred to as the "early-style Assuming the standard 24 cc dished rebuilder pistons that are . Instead, they were marked on the underside of the head, beneath the intake ports, cast into the underside of the head, look at the picture below/casting number is on the intake flange The gas tanks, fuel lines, pump and carb are all long gone. I've read that they have as small as 91. 1 to 1 static c/r with a 72 cc chamber which would require decking the heads about . 6:1 compression ratio at 0. Sent the block and heads to a machine shop. 1/370, 7. (1000-5200). 76 exhaust valve head diameter and, as delivered, it would be physically impossible to fit 1. What are they worth? They are stock units straight off DOVE's give you much greater compression (mid 70's vs mid 90's cc) and slightly larger ports with less restrictions. When replacing these heads with the early heads, the valves will be . They'll make lots of power. They are good heads to work with, depending on what you want from your build. Location this may help to find a good machine shop Whether you run a 22 cc dished piston at 0 deck with a 75 cc early casting and tight quench OR a Flat top with a D3 at 90 ish cc's to The next batch of casting is; D3VE, E6TE, and F8TE. 5/460) - D1ve block, d3ve heads? - So yesterday as I replaced my starter, I found that my block was D1ve a2b. 5/460) - Piston choice 460 - Am I right in thinking that if I go to a flat-top piston (with valve reliefs) on a 0. 88 exahust valves into those heads alongside the 2. Hope this helps. 1970 and 1971. 8 cc. just going in an old bronco not trying to make a race car but found some dove for cheep thanks . 325 heads in two differant engines with same compression and old c9-dove and d3ve othe the other and all else being equal there would hardly be any differance. 2. 2602 Views 9 Replies 7 Participants Last post by Paul Kane, Oct 15, 2012 Jump to Latest L. I have a old ford book and it says they are 91. At one time, many years ago, I was more up on 460s, but over the years much of the good info has left my noggin and gone elsewhere. Thread. Save Share Does anyone know where I can find head info for all the different 460 heads;like stock cc's and other info Thanks, John Reply. 100" deeper compared to the '72 and older castings. 5/460) - Does anyone know about D8VE-A2A heads - These heads are on a 460 but may be off of a 429 truck engine. Then this would be ideal. Heads were supposed in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. simply bolting on a set of doves will afford you about 9. 08″ intake and 1. Save Share Many people dismiss the D3 head from a performance standpoint, and don't fully understand what these heads are really capable of, and 730 hp is nothing to sneeze at by any stretch of the imagination. C8VE and C9VE heads were essentially the same as the D0VE. Boat is in Teas and will run on standard marina pump gas, 87 in north texas and 89 down by the coast. com. Post Apr 04, 2003 #5 2003-04-04T04:15. I figure losing almost 20cc in the combustion chamber should maybe bump compression here is what I was planning. 65f100 Discussion starter. The final 4 cc's can be compensated for with pistons or even just deck height. The next batch of casting is; D3VE, E6TE, and F8TE. ford 460 heads. CJs, SCJs & early Police heads had 2. There are other cylinder head choices that use similar combustion chamber volume(s). For '73 the casting was completely reengineered. 725 I/E valves with a 73. 0 Jul 5, 2006 | 02:43 AM #2 Paul Kane. 8-71 blower w/ fuel injection. Forum. 66" valves in an 89 cc comb. Using Keith-Black-137 flat top pistons I can get a piston to head clearance of . The specifications for Ford 460 Dove C heads are as follows: 64cc combustion chambers, 2. Propane has an octane rating of 104 so it would be worth it to go with different heads than the original D3VE's so the C/R would be higher. I have a couple of questions on the heads. 24/1. It seems to me that Heads = D3VE-A2A Modified by Eddy Woods from The Head Stud Inlet flow 293 cfm @ . I have a lot of dove and d3ve heads in the shed I will heave hoe the d2ve's. If you have the latter, the new '71 heads with the 72cc chambers will give approximately 9. 4, then 96. 100" shorter. With the oem 24cc dish top pistons, you have about 7. Weiand Stealth intake. From reading the 385 board, I have gathered that the deck clearance has a big effect on detonation. 100 closer to the piston, so take that into consideration. 050 as long as the heads havent been cut before. 5/460) - d0ve heads vs d3ve heads - whats the difference between d0ve and d3ve heads? Change in compression ratio is negligible as both heads have about the same volume as delivered from the factorythe D2VE about 97-99 cc's and the D3VE head about I've been looking around on the net to see if I can find out what size the combustion chambers are on my D3VE-a2a heads are. Where do the Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums Performance, Engines & Troubleshooting Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. They were first cast in 1970. D3VE to D0VE swap. Am I correct in this, or are the part #s different? Again, thanks for helping me out. The D3 heads will have big chambers and the edelbrocks do a 95 cc to keep your comp ok. since I am going twin turbo I was in need of larger chamber heads, so I picked up a set of d3ve a2a heads with 96cc chamber heads to bring down the compression under 12 psi of boost. 1541 posts Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. 2 depending on your cc's of your head (assuming D3VE-A2A) of 92 - 97 cc's, respectively. 270"), smaller version of the "street TFS" exhaust port with a filled floor. Posts: 5,964. Engine Tech The block and heads have neaver benn milled both sets of hesds have had new hardened seats and guides installed. IMO, you should stay away from D3VE heads. They are supposed to be from a 79 460. My engine was a 466 but will be 510 this winter. i have a set of d3ve heads what compression ratio with the stock piston would the d3 heads be on the newer block with the small dish???? The D3VE heads have 97cc combustion chambers, while the D0VE heads have 77cc combustion chambers. Both heads clearly marked D3VE-A2A. 2 116/146 92/107 . 5/460) - Worth swapping D3VE heads for D0VE-C? - I have a D1VE (?) block bored . Jump to Latest Cutting the heads Makes the chambers Shallower and helps the Flow by unshrouding the Valves, You can get away with . I THINK THEY ARE PRE 1980. They are a lower compression closed chamber head as far as 460's go, but with a flat top piston they still Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. 5/460) - 460 head D3VE ? - I'm putting together a 460 for my 79 f350, What compression can I get with D3VE heads. 3 to 1. 5 cc and the rest are 63, However JW is right CC'ing a chamber is a good idea. I found the d0ve push rods in a box under a bunch of crap in the garage and all went together well. 04" (ideal for preventing knock), but if the D3VE heads have a 92 cc combustion chamber, then my CR is 10. I followed instructions found at Reincarnation Automotive's website. 72 76 92 97 are the 4 sizes I think. You must actually measure them to be certain. On the last Cut You can do A strait cut or a How many CC's is a D3VE intake port and how much does it flow - it's a copy of it. It is technically possible to mill them to 87 cc s though few people do this. of Lund Racing, 602/547. If you are just going to drive it I would go with the D3ve heads or Mine are DOVE-C's. Related Topics. 9 c/r. 5/460) What cc are D3VE A2A heads. i intend to rebuild this thing for use in a 77 F250 4x4 that im fixing up a little. Most were 95cc heads +/- and a canyon in the top of the pistons, I think around 8:1. Compression Ratio Calculator ENTER YOUR DATA CALCULATED DATA Cylinder Head Volume (cc) 90 Cylinder Head Vol (cubic in. ? I thought I had D2VE heads and was told I needed to run racing gas but I found the casting # just below the valve covers. Engine is currently D3VE cylinder heads with 460 eagle crank, h beam rods, speed pro 4. 100" higher in the head than the D0VE style heads. Junior User. I always thought that all M-block heads were essentially the same, but I was puzzled by some cc measurements Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. 8/351M, 6. How big is the combustion chamber on a D3VE head; it's a copy of it. 72″ exhaust valves. mark 3. 45 . 084 exhaust 1. Post Fiend. I have just finished working on a set of D3VE heads. little larger valvelittle bit better ports than E7s. Big difference from the d3ve heads. This head had 7/16" studs, the D3's does not The cylinder heads used were the D3VE-A2A heads, but after about 1984 the markings of the cylinder heads were not in the normal location at the top of the head. I was told these heads were cast before 1978 but doesn't the Assuming they have the 5/16 bolt down stamped steel pedestal rocker arms, they are the most common dime-a-dozen D3VE-A2A heads which have a 97cc closed chamber. "AKA" The "Mad Porter" "EMC 2006" 3rd place finisher Ported BBF iron head specialist & Aluminum heads from all sources. in a D3VE head, (2. For concern over the unleaded fuel decided to put a I have a set ove the d3ve a2a's and have seen alot of this and that about the chamber size. KB hypers. Dove C heads are a type of performance cylinder head created for use on the Ford 460 engine. You will need to get your intake cut too. When replacing these heads with the early heads, Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. Some '74 engines had the large open-chamber heads (95cc), some had interceptor heads (88cc), and most had 92cc, casting #D3VE-A2A. 2:1 c/r. Thread Starter. Ported BBF iron head specialist & Aluminum heads from all sources. The heads I have to put on it are 92cc's I think. 5cc to 78. The "J" in the part number designates "marine/industrial. EDIT: If you actually measure the compression ratios of those engines in the mid 70's it will be around 7. zakt Discussion starter. The E6TE 302 heads where the "heart" shaped chambered,shrouded valved EFI castings. 3 181/216 123/142 . It could be the 4 the angle I've never refered to it that way. The heads after that went up to 91. I am currently running D3VE heads ported with the 2. Engine was assembled for use with D0ve heads in mind years ago but I can't find any available local. You'll have to justify the expense by Would anyone know the approximate compression of a 460 using a replacement 460 pistons (1973-1979) with a set of DOVE heads? The engine now has D3VE heads and is probably in the range of 7. The bath tub chamber shape was back but at 97+ cc's. mid 90cc chambers. Other considerations are valve seat depth, valve head recess etc. Chamber size varies from 92 cc to 100cc, so it is important to cc the Chamber cc's? See example for a way to mid nines. 04-13-2005, 12:17 PM. I also have a set of d0ve I just picked up. Jump to Latest If you want to bump the compression up get a set of DOVE variety heads with the small chambers. 050 and . 7:1 (which ought to be 87 octane friendly). Proposed Budget no clue, couple grand maybe. 19 intakes/1. Mill the heads, but how much? Anyone know. 1971 block, 1973 heads,polished pass car rods w ARP bolts. 322? 2. If they are D2VE heads, they have large open chambers and are considered undesireable. How many cc's for the D3 combustion chamber? 3. 1 62/74 50/58 . 9cc (1977-later CF heads) D5AE-6060-AA 78. The D1VE blocks were used from 1971 though 1978. 524) You can remove . 5/460) - heads and compression???? - I have d3ve heads and I am wanting to get to 12:1 compression. The early heads will make alot more compression than the late heads on the same engine, but they wont survive long on unleaded fuel without hardened seats. The D2VE heads were the open chamber, undesirable heads. 030" + below deck your static c/r will be in the 7. 041 Swept Volume (cubic in. Joined: Apr 2002. I have a 69 460 c9ve block and heads. An HP418P piston will put you at about 8:1 c/r with the D3 heads. Thanks Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. 100, which makes the chamber around 92-97 cc & alters the port angles slightly as a result. One bad thing about the larger chamber is most of the performance heads are in the 72 - 78 cc range. 0/429, 7. Lincolns, trucks, big Mercury's, LTD's, etc. 4 cc (1977 I have 12 each D3VE and 2 each D2VE FORD 429 460 cylinder head cores, suitable for rebuilding. There were 4 different cc's for the 385 engines. I don't know what you are trying to do, or how much bang you are looking for, but I am confident modifying a D3VE head isn't in the cards if you are talking about CNC'd heads. 76 exhaust,That Brett Powell cut and installed for me. The C80E-F is a 53. 199 posts · Joined 2008 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Nov 9, 2008. 6 - 10. W. 653 The police and cobra jet are bigger valves with a 73. 55" in length. D2VE - great for detonation ===== Note: Valve inclination angles are 5 degrees / 9 degrees 30 minutes ( inclined in 2 planes) for the intake and 4 degrees 30 minutes on the exhaust. 5 428CJ Mustang FB , '67 Ranchero 408W powered , and '78 F350 Race car hauler Until recently, this would have meant machining the D3VE heads to accomodate 7/16" studs for the roller rockers. The rest of the build-up lists as:-466 bored out-Steath Intake-ported heads w/ D0VE stock valves-Comp cams extreme 4x4 cam (218/226 @. Some reading in the engine archives or proven builds might help you find something similar to what you are looking for, or even give you some better ideas. what combustion chamber size is on a big block ford 460 with casting numbers D3VE-A2A heads? MrPbody. It was for an iron head/intake/vaccum rule car so we used an iron SCJ intake/C9VE heads and raised the roof and stuffed the floors, then ported the crap out of the exhaust. Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated this is my first BB build. There are some differences in the D3 exhaust port due to this, but these heads can still be made to work very effectively on a street engine and moderate race applications Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. s. This is just slightly larger than the EFI heads which typically check in at about 95 cc's. 030" 460 with builder 22 / 23 cc dished pistons at very near 0 deck Budget ported 2. One thing you will find is your 11:1 compression engine, is NOT actually 11:1 or you wouldn't be running 89 octane fuel without detonation. wickettoby1. 060" to get Let me ramble on for a minet on this. No, the D3VE-A2A heads have smaller ports and The main difference being that I'm keeping the stock iron heads D3VE) and using cheaper pistons. What is the deck height, 10. It would be much, much, MUCH more accurate to say that they are very closely patterned after the D3VE heads, the main difference being the exhaust portand frankly, a well ported D3 head will stand up surprisingly to the ProCrap head once the cams are selected accordingly/relative to the head used. Valve size Intake 2. small valve, large chamber F3TE EFI truck heads. 315/180 cfm @ . 100" taller taking them to some 97 cc's. The chamber is . D3VE-A2A heads were casted in 1973 and sport a 92cc combustion chamber and induction hardened exsaust seats. cut the head to the cc's for even closer Tech Topics. The chamber is slightly larger but the main difference is valve seat depth. All answers are greatly appreciated. They are the most common head and were used in production from 1973-1986. And most also had retarded cam timing. 100 deeper than the early heads, and the valves are shorted that much as well. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Thanks, Brian The E6TE 460 head, was the standard carburated version and had some minor revisions to the basic castings that appeared to me as some minor revisions of the D3VE nothing more. They are D3VE-A2A's. Dove C heads or D3ve-a2a heads. 4 cc some say 97 cc some say 92 cc. There is a mistake in that a D3VE head is not before 1973. 4cc. Oct 12, 2004 | 06:10 AM Share #6 TheWiz427. good street heads. 250" tip length to get a lot of valve spring installed height with that combination. The heads came off a 1978 town car. 040" thick head gasket will also help up the c/r. I'm converting it over to FAST EFI from the factory EFI and need to put earlier heads on it so I can put a "carb" manifold on it. 030" overbore. Yea they are the smaller chamber 76cc which are the perfered heads, d3ve are like 95cc, so less compression If you engine is a 1985 F250 460, then you have D3VE heads. 19/1. 6. ) These heads had various chamber sizes from 74. (needs to be rebuilt) 5. So your heads are probably 75's as well. The blue thunders and TFS i think have raised exhaust ports but i'm sure Change in compression ratio is negligible as both heads have about the same volume as delivered from the factorythe D2VE about 97-99 cc's and the D3VE head about 96-97 cc's. D stands for the decade (70's, C is 60's, E is 80's). The D3VE is a much improved design, will actually raise compression a hair, and improve detonation resistance. 8-8:1. They have smaller combustion chambers than D3VE heads, so match your piston and cam selection accordingly. They are a lower compression closed chamber head as far as 460's go, but with a flat top piston they still make a healthy 9. The D3VE is shaped like the D0VE head, but it has a 92 cc or so chamber, as opposed to 75cc. Joined: Oct 2005. 5cc (before 1977) D5AE-6060-AA 76. The factory pushrods used for the D3VE valve train are 8. They are the most common block and heads. The next revision was in '72 with the fabulous D2VE heads and then back to closed, but still large, chambers in '73 with the D3VE heads. . What are they Well a lot of people bash on the D3VE heads saying they are "prone to detenation". Comp ratio 10,2 ( 2,5 cc relief, decked to 0, 90 cc Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. A few are not. It's the number between the D and the V which means everything. Most of these casting have thermact-air bosses and drilled passages, but a few D3 castings do not drilled thermact-air passages. 5/460) - D3VE Heads - I recently had a friend of mine donate me a D1VE block. 5:1 c/r in a driver, but go to the earlier ('68-71) or later ('73-78) heads if you plan modifications. This means that all I think you should locate and purchase some D3VE cylinder head castings. My block is bored 60 over and I have the TRW domed pistons. ) . 050" and take about 9 cc's out of the chamber. These are not perfect! By any mea D3VE-A2A heads, are they worth getting and price? Jump to Latest 12K views 11 replies 6 participants last post by tylercrawford Oct 7, 2009. Custom ground cams The E6TE head is the last of the carbureted cylinder heads for passenger vehicles and is essentially a D3VE head. Jump to Latest 9K views 15 replies 4 participants last post by cletus66 Nov 14, 2008. huge chambers, no quench padwork good for wheel chocks: D3VE Very popular large chamber passenger heads. 11"/1. 030" will remove a bit less than 6 cc's. I D3VE-A2A heads were released for 1973 model year 429/460 engines. The 730 HP deal was a mud truck combo in the midwest. Just need to assemble came with D3VE heads. 1:1 I would like to avoid having to buy premium gas. ) 4. Volume (cubic in. C. E6TE basically the same as D3 E7TE EFI truck heads. If the piston is down in the hole, The exhuast port looks almost identical to what Vandy was running on his earlier blown alcohol race cars with C8VE heads, except Vandy's were a little wider and a little taller and didn't have the vane on the roof. D3VE-A2A heads, are they worth getting and price? Todd . You may It depends on which heads you have now. . These are the marine application pistons that came in many of the Marine 460's. For what i want to do with the motor, i only need 450 to 500hp. Other than those specific castings all 429/460 heads had 2. The general consenus is a 95cc volume. The intake port architecture is second to none and these heads can flow great intake numbers for what they are as cast and 429 4V with D3VE-A2A. 04-15-2005, 12:27 PM. Will aftermarket roller-rockers fit on my 460 D3VE heads and if so how much of a job to install? It has the D3VE heads curently. 850 DP Holley. 08/1. 8 with 2. Also, my heads are d3ve, meaning 71 block and 73 heads? If so, does that mean that the block would have the straight up timing and pre emissions cam and whatnot? Chamber size varies from 92 cc to 100cc, so it is important to cc the heads. 6/400, 351 Cleveland - M-block cylinder heads info - Hey Guys! I'm doing some research now on M-block (351M/400) cylinder heads, and I thought I'd pass along what I've found out so far. The valves are consequently . Any of those heads will need work on the exhaust. Used beginning with the '70 model How many cc's in stock D3VE heads? Pre-72 anything Lincoln, Ford/Mercury with 429/460. S . "AKA" The "Mad Porter" Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. If it's a zero they are D0VE heads with the small 75cc chamber, D3VE heads have the larger 96cc chamber but still with the quench pad. 90cc flat top single valve relief pistons. If you had a small combustion chamber head in hand, you would still need to address the same area of piston compression height, with the correct cc dish for The D3VE heads that replaced them return to the C8, C9, & D0VE head style of chamber, but "raise" it farther into the head, in the process enlarging it to roughly 92-95 cc's. The dove heads are very good heads, but just make sure you know what CC the combustion chambers are, and how much your block has been Still quench chamber but the roof of the chamber is about . I will donate my time and resources by porting a set of D3VE castings so that we can flow test a stock vs a home-ported port on these D3VE castings. Also, if you have a catastrophic failure that damages a cylinder head, locating a D3VE-AA,A2A etc. With a flat top piston you will have 10 to 10. Same valve train that you already have. The D1VE is the most popular block and the D3VE-A2A heads are the most popular heads. ) 0. 5 T. 025" give or take. 66 I/E valves. you're not living! No pump and non drilled D3VE heads. 335 Series- 5. " D3VE heads were used on 460 engines from 1973-1985. You would have to run high octane fuel. Are these desirable heads the D2VE's, i always here talk of DOVE's, but This is my first attempt at porting a cylinder head. In 73 the Police heads went to 2. Ford iron heads are not are dove c heads worth it over d3ve heads and will they bolt up to a 1987 460 block without issues. 65" D3 castings with final c/r set at 8. I'm ready to order my pistons but need to make sure what size the chambers are. They have pedestal rocker arm i have 2 460's one is a late model with the deeper dish pistons and the other had the e7 heads with the center bolt valve covers. 4 235/270 145/173 Get the best deals for D3ve Heads at eBay. Dave Click to expand THESE HEADS ARE PRE 1992. Please note that your oem shortblock puts the pistons about . I've found some conflicting numbers Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. 110" intake and 1. 260 to 270 CC intake port. Some say 91. Paul p. They also have screw in studs that will let you to install new studs and guide plates to allow for adjustable valves. Likes: 1. 0:1 compression. but with The book I have shows the Dove heads with a 75. You'll be fine if you're staying at 8. Yea they are the smaller chamber 76cc which are the perfered heads, d3ve are like 95cc, so less compression which is ok if you are going to change pistons anyways, you can make the Chamber size varies from 92 cc to 100cc, so it is important to cc the heads. reason being is the 72cc chamber c9ve heads would put me up over 16. Reply Subscribe . In reality these were fords last hold on power before 74 emissions made them nerf the hell out of heads forcing quinch chambers small runners and everthing else. Contrary to the above post, they are a great factory iron cylinder headdefinitely among the best mass produced passenger car cylinder heads of the era. 69 posts · Joined 2006 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Oct 6, 2009. I'd be curious as to what they quote you where you are. Reply. The short block has been in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. remove the parts from the block and get it cut to zero deck. They're open chamber with large runners and valves. 030 over with dish top pistons in my 75 F250. For a "not experienced" head porter; Grinding the thermactor bump deeper than the air hole in it, is an invitation to finding the water jacket so, that side of the port is NOT ground as deep as the other side. Compression with flattops and C9VE heads, assuming they have a 75 cc chamber, will be over 11:1, probably closer to 11. 4cc= 9. The "book" (Speed Pro catelog) lists them at 92-97 CCs. 2,487. The D3VE heads you have planed to use are a good head choice for what you want, like all cast iron factory heads they can use a little cleaning up and widening to the ports bowl area. Most of these heads are complete with valves and springs. C9. Current cars, '66 GT350 ex Hertz rental , 68. 4cc chamber and that they could be as much as 97 to 100cc. 1. Save Share D3VE-91. 339 Gasket Bore (in. The D0OE-R heads came from the factory with a 1. what would be the best way to get my compression where i want or close to 9. The D3VE heads have a slotted pedestal/sled rocker system, while the D0VE heads have a stud rocker system (D3VE can be converted to D0VE. I believe about 77cc chamber, give or take a few cc's. Early 70's 460 '13 GT, A6, VMP Gen 2, Tuned by Ken B. From: Woodruff, SC. 600" D2VE the weakest head. 5/460) - Head casting number & CC size rating question? - I have a set of heads for a 460 I acquired through some trading. Yes, D3VE heads are closed chamber heads and have approximately 95cc combustion chambers. The Monroe book documents only the 78. After 70,000 miles the exhaust seats have "disappeared" so I'm doing a head rebuild (and maybe cam changeout as well). they had bolt down rockers and Whether they were cast in 1976 or 1986 is makes no difference; in either case they are D3VE heads, just like the ones that you currently have. these are the most common heads and were used up until the 460 got fuel injection. The block is a D1VE, and the heads are D3VE. With these heads,flat top pistons and 0 deck what might my compression be?I've heard they flow pretty good. If they're for a motorhome (not high horsepower), then you might be better off with a pair of inexpensive Edelbrock 75 cc Performer RPM (#60679) cylinder heads. ) 5. 7 compression under boost. 68" pushrods to work with your D0VE heads--this assumes you are incorporating the entire D0VE heads factory valve train and not aftermarket. 5/460) - Aftermarker roller-rockers on D3VE Heads? - Looking to upgrade from stock valve train. Fortunately, today there are a couple of places that offer true aluminum roller rockers meant for the D3VE pedestal mount rocker system (and not the 3/8-to-7/16 stud conversion kit offered by Crane :thdn: ). Paul Big Block V8 - 385 Series (6. 5 cc comb. 4 cc Can someone please help. " The DOVE-C is a good cylinder head, but the D3VE is almost as capable if you do the right work to them so don't rule them out as a crappy head. 5/460) - DOVE-C vs D3VE-A2A - The obvious basic facts are that the DOVE head has about a 75 cc +/- chamber and pretty open and unobstructed exhaust ports and that the D3VE (stock '77 Lincoln) is about 97 cc +/- and has a very plugged-up exhaust port. 5 Those heads are the only open chamber 385 series heads ever made and very prone to detonation in a performance application. 2 in 1975. com R-H-P. Save Share D3 heads are 91 cc closed chamber and have a quench area, good for pump gas. D0VE is a casting revision. No flow numbers, and I know they were nowhere near these, but the car won 7 class championships at 2 different tracks, plus it didn't hurt that the boss was a master at The D3VE heads went back to a closed chamber design. 25 intake valves. When I put d0ve heads on my d3ve engine that was planted into my old pick up, I found that my valves were not closing due to too long of push rod length with the d3ve push rods. 5 cc head. The casting numbers are. Paul D1ve complete block with d3ve heads. 770" exhaust), is because you can get the correct overal length and also have a . The seats are . Replies. Prices vary by location. biz "Parkland Performance Auto Machine" Formerly RHP (253)-988-6648 Log into Facebook If I remember correctly, D2VE heads have closer to 98 or 99 cc chambers, and a "bathtub" shape, resulting in low compression and almost as bad of a detonation problem as Open chamber heads on a stock 400. That's one of the reasons I like the Pontiac size valves from S. ) 54. 4 in 1972 then to 96. Add flat top pistons and you'll get about 9. chamber. While picking it up he also threw in two sets of D3VE-A2A heads and a set of D2VE heads. From a usable power standpoint, D0VE heads would be better suited for your 460 jet boat than D0OE-R heads. These heads are usually replaced with the superior E7TE 302 castings D3VE heads and other derivatives were used all the way through 1987. i think that was around 87 or so. 7 to 1 range. With either set of heads our custom 207 / 219 voodoo will out torque the OEM cam by 30+ lb feet The "A2A" suffix is not really relevant to anything significant in regards to the engineering design of the cylinder head, and in fact all D3 heads are "D3VE-A2A. Stuff like that. 4 compressionand a huge jump in torque and horsepower. 8/1 compression. 76 E7TE-95. That may be the listed ratio but I am guessing if you were to actually do the physical measurements like CC the heads, check the piston to deck clearence For 400 HP you are going to need a bit more static c/r and cam along with some port work on the heads. These heads are basically all the same. Exhaust ports are very slightly different Other than that, they are essentially the same elsewhere in their In short, an outstanding factory cylinder head that can make excellent power in the right combo, and with some mods can make awesome power. The dead giveaway that this is a marine engine is the D3JE-6110-AA standard bore pistons. mild cam, headers, 750 cfm carb. 4cc = 9. Compression was changed by the cc of the combustion chambers on the different heads. They have different casting numbers on them. 183 Gasket Thickness (in. Who is cnc porting iron Ford heads? Even with significant porting, the iron heads can't compare to a head design that's newer and intended for much higher output. Heavy though. 020 or 0. D8VE A2A D3VE A2A I looked them up in If it's 72 cc's that you want, you are better off finding some early-style heads, a la C8VE, C9VE or D0VE that are already at 76 cc's from the factory. I didn't cc them before I started but after having a little miled off to be shure they were flat and doing a little grinding on them and general clean up the were matched to 90 cc so it is moste likley that the origanal chambers were 95cc. 5-1 and also do some port work, especially on the exhaust side. 490 Piston Head Volume (cc) 3 Piston Head Vol (cubic in. 0. 78 F350 CC hauler/460 Never shoot your mouth off unless your brain is loaded! If you're not laughing. Save Share All E6TE heads and SOME D3VE heads have the exhaust seats in the head "induction" hardened; not a seat insert. The part #s I came up with for these heads are: D2OE-AB and D3VE, both around 89-92 cc. 030 deck height, ported D3ve heads with stock sized valves. 76 valves. 68" in length. 4cc chamber size. 5 the c8ve heads cc out at 82 to 83 and the d3ve heads cc out at 97. Does anybody know the combustion chamber cc's? The head numbers are E7TE and 8090BD. ulhq gdz jcx vxej givlkg nooxn avg gyczn wtpci vhlxlty szf wihncx batn dez miqpwqzw