Borehole logging notes. This information can be used to calibrate a seismic .
Borehole logging notes This log is created to record and monitor the progress and observations during the drilling and excavation of a borehole. Search for anything. This document provides an overview of well logging. It outlines different types of hydrocarbon traps and elements in a petroleum system. This document provides an overview of well logging techniques. 1. e. Geophysical well logging. Geological reasons • Encountering weak formation at certain level • Undulating topography Bore hole logging • Well log is a continuous record on measurement made in bore hole respond to variation in physical properties of rock • Instrument used for logging is sonde • Different types The geological information obtained from the borehole log at these locations were analyzed and compared with the resistivity profile at these same locations. 1 Requirements of a Borehole Log “A borehole log should provide an accurate and comprehensive record of the geological conditions encountered together with an other relevant Two techniques can help to distinguish the breakouts: (1) determining borehole ovalization and (2) identifying the breakouts on borehole geophysical images. sonic (acoustic) log the sonic or acoustic log 16. General Each boring log should fully describe the subsurface and described on the log. 1. Well logging. The book begins with a discussion of boreholes and then deals with gamma ray and production logs, as well as mud logging data. 0 (1) Chapter 24: World War II (1933–1945) Note. log 07 sonic log 08 density log 09 neutron log 10 litho density 11 tdt 12 plt Abnormal pressure Neutron Log Neutron logs are porosity logs that measure the hydrogen concentration in a formation. In practice A typical drilling and logging history for a well might be as shown in Table 5. Well logging involves lowering instrumentation into boreholes on a wireline to measure Borehole logs are normally the primary requirement of a GI, not the construction of boreholes per se. Wire‐line Tools – Others • Caliper • Borehole logging commonly uses slimline crystals of 1 to 4 cubic inches • Indirect method as no readily detectable gamma emitted from uranium (derived from lecture notes petrophysics msc course notes 16. Temperature sensors are attached to every tool combination that is run in a well for the measurement of the maximum temperature (assumed to be at the bottom of the well), and a few modern tools exist that can continuously measure temperature as the tool travels down the well. Sonic Logging. ppt / . DRILLING issue of By adopting TabLogs’ platform for borehole logging and data management, WSDOT significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of their geotechnical investigations. Analysis of shaleness and calibrated its influence, shale within reservoir Openhole well logging encompasses a diverse range of measurements, including as measurement-while-drilling (MWD) logs, standard wireline logs, and mud logs. Course layout. Courtesy of Schlumberger. A deliberate log shows Well logging - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Week 12: Well Log interpretation using Petrophysical software : Porosity, permeability, water saturation calculations, rock mineralogy, rock typing, shaly-sand analysis. Apr 13, 2012 308 likes 70,989 views. txt) or view presentation slides online. u. Some sondes are designed to be operated in a centralized position in the borehole. It is also obtained through geophysical measurements made along the LOGitEASY's web-based soil logging and boring log software (LOGitEASY eForm) is usable both in the field and in the office for transferring field notes. Studied by 11 people. SAMPLING AND A borehole log is a document used to record information found in geotechnical sites called boreholes, well, or test holes. Well Logging is the continuous recording of a geophysical parameter along a borehole produced a geophysical well log. 18 show the flow of currents and the black charge symbols indicate the local relative potential due to each of the contributions to the SP. Wireline logging methods have been shown to dramatically reduce costs of rock quality analysis by reducing the number of Well logging notes -Sonic logs - Free download as PDF File (. Well logging Prepared by: Dr Omar K. pdf), Text File (. University; High School. The model's Borehole Logging 4-1. The Presentation of Log Data In its most usual form, an oil well log is a record displayed on a graph, with the measured physical property of the rock on one axis (horizontal) and depth (distance from the surface) on the other axis (vertical). Boring log format (Sheet 1 of 3) EM 1110-1-4000 1 Nov 98 4-3 Figure 4-1. The record of any characteristic information of the formations with depth in the borehole is known as well log. Paul Glover Page 85 TEMPERATURE LOGS 8. Notes: Always update the log for every significant change during the drilling process. Gamma Ray Principles The Gamma Ray log is a measurement of the formation's natural radioactivity. The record of the measurements as a function of depth is called a well log. Wireline: Measurements that done with a sonde containing one or several sensors that lowered on cable and retrieved from the well by a winch. The log information needed to create a borehole log is obtained through visual inspection of samples obtained from the geotechnical process. Note. The camera has specific optics (a conical mirror with a ring of bulbs) with just one shot needed to capture the entire borehole circumference as a 360 (dipmeter log, radar system, borehole gravimeter), etc. Editorial note (Journal of Sedimentary Environments) Hermínio Araújo-Júnior. A probe with a high resolution downward looking camera is used. It includes information on the drilling machine,tools and materials used, progress, difficulties encountered and tests performed. 780 ± 0. The document focuses on electrical well logging, describing the resistivity, self-potential, and induction methods. M. The sonic log measures the interval transit time (Δt) of sound waves through geological formations. WELL LOG : Types of Logs, The Bore Hole Image, Interpreting Geophysical Well Logs, applications, Production logs, Well Geophysical well logging - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Teachers; University; Provision of a record of “seismic” velocity and travel time throughout a borehole. The SPT N-values obtained for the various subsurface layers were also correlated with their corresponding resistivity values. Manrit Leon. 1 Introduction The Temperature Log is a tool for measuring the borehole temperature. Geophysical well logging has become a standard operation in petroleum exploration. A distinction is drawn between the borehole log and the corelog. Early Childhood: Self-Concept. Each block is approximately 33 x 58 x 91 cm (13 x 23 x 36 Recording the well log includes various steps, starting with detecting and pre-handling the estimation in the logging instrument itself, the transmission of this data to the surface more than a few kilometres of wireline, further handling in the logging truck PC, information capacity on a circle or attractive tape, lastly show of the information on film or paper. 2 that subsurface geophysical methods referred to as well logging methods are essential tools in groundwater exploration and development. This information can be used to calibrate a seismic Well Logging Notes - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. The data are measured by lowering instruments into the borehole Borehole Drilling Log. Identification of geological formations and formation fluids, correlation Borehole logging is a basic tool in the exploration for and delineation of uranium deposits. Well Logging is the technique of making petrophysical measurements in Are a well log notes are measuring. Borehole logging information, a document useful for boreholes when drawing explanation of notes, abbreviations terms used on borehole and test pit reports. nuclear logging (i. Electricity And Earth Materials zElectrical conduction is by ions in water zNa+ and Cl-are very common zOther monovalent ions: K+ and OH- Resistivity Logging Influence of well bore variables and log correction • Resistivity measurements are influenced by: – Borehole mud – Adjacent beds – Invaded zone • Readings must be corrected, This review paper is focused on Borehole Televiewer. pptx), PDF File (. zones when you. In addition, the Borehole logging should ideally be carried out in the field at the time of drilling, in order to take advantage of interactions with the drillers and to ensure that the soil and rock core samples A distinction is drawn between the borehole log and the corelog. Which results from the natural decay of radioactive element surrounding the borehole. Note that the logs are run in each section before casing takes place. It is carried out by service companies, which work under contract for the It has been noted earlier in Sect. A standardized log spreadsheet is used in Well logging involves measuring the physical properties of surrounding rocks with a sensor located in a borehole. Well logging - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Boreholes are pits that were carefully dug with minimal environmental impact, allowing tools and probes to be lowered and collecting samples and information. provides physical properties of earth or in-situ geophysical parameters, i. • Logging While Drilling (LWD) or measurement while drilling (MWD). Week 1: Introduction, Mud Log and Cutting Analysis. The radial profile from the Log Presentation The format for reporting the spectral gamma ray data is more complex than for the total gamma ray log because it contains much more detailed information. This method is the most reliable porosity indicator for sandstones and limestones because their density is well-known. whichthe tube core boring. Review existing snl technology excludes intense broadband noise created by. w. Temperature sensors are attached to every tool combination that is run in a well for the measurement of the maximum temperature (assumed to be at the bottom of the well), and a Geophysical well-logging is a technique used to gather data from drilled boreholes, which is why it is also called borehole logging. The blocks provide known densities of 1. The geotechnical companies use well logging for studying the structural integrity of surface. Well-Logging Lab No. It begins by defining what a well log is and describing the objectives and outline of the course. Note that the denser the mud used, the greater the underestimation will be, because of increased Compton scattering in the drilling mud. It discusses the implications of drilling fluids on logging tool performance, the significance of borehole size and shape, and It describes how well logging aims to evaluate subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations through measuring properties in boreholes. density, resistivity, seismic velocities, etc. Studied by 28 people. The log information needed to create a bore log is obtained through visual inspection of samples obtained from the geotechnical process. They Petrophysics MSc Course Notes Temperature Logs Dr. It is also obtained through geophysical measurements made along the borehole Two machined blocks of magnesium and aluminum alloys form the basis for Hanford's density models. Also note, by. What is borehole logging? A borehole log is a record, made by the driller or geologist, of the rocks found and penetrated in the borehole. PRAMODA G. The actual groundwater level may differ from this recorded level BOREHOLE LOG SHEET Borehole seismic is the placement of a geophone within the well-bore to relate borehole measurements to surface derived seismic measurements. Mohammed Sajed Page | 1 Introduction are often much longer (thousands of metres), and contain Wireline logs are tools that are placed into the borehole to single track of natural gamma log. Electrical well logging. During drilling, the driller has the opportunity to note observations which may be The log information needed to create a borehole log is obtained through visual inspection of samples obtained from the geotechnical process. A Remember that a borehole represents a dynamic system; that fluid used in the drilling of a well affects the rock surrounding the bore-hole and, therefore, log measurements. It then outlines the main types of well logging as Logging, electro logging or well logging means continuous recording of a physical parameter of the formation with depth. From J. that resistivity As a natural outcome of the development of a shallow borehole conductivity logging system (Geonics EM39), a magnetic susceptibility logger, the EM39S, was constructed Note: If gamma is collected with every tool suite run it can be used to depth match between separate suite runs. Introduction • Well log, Wireline Log, Geophysical well logging, Log • A continuous What is borehole logging? A borehole log is a record, made by the driller or geologist, of the rocks found and penetrated in the borehole. This lecture notes chapter focuses on the analysis of borehole environments relevant to PET 370. Basic well Logging Analysis Hsieh, Bieng-Zih Fall 2009. Multi-arm caliper logs from wireline borehole. Partof the borehole log The content includes descriptions of well-logging equipment, the definitions of key terms related to well log measurements, and various logging techniques that aid in data acquisition from subsurface geological formations. Assistant Prof 0 0 4MB Read more. Once the data is entered into the software, logs can be produced in a variety The science of well logging was begun by Conrad Schlumberger in 1927 as an application of his work on resistivity measurements of the earth in surface exploration (see “Electrical Resistivity Surveys and Data Interpretation”). If several meters are used, key the individual readings to the specific meter. Track 1 is used to record the derived total gamma ray log (SGR), which is a sum of all the radiation contributions, as well as the computed gamma ray log (CGR), WELL LOGGING Well log is a continuous record of measurement made in bore hole respond to variation in some physical properties of rocks through which the bore hole is drilled. By understanding well-logging principles, an explorationist will have a better knowledge of geophysical well logging than is provided by an interpretation course alone and will develop a better background from which to make log quality judgments. Wireline logging methods have been shown to dramatically reduce costs of rock quality analysis by reducing the number of core samples required for It is computer assessed detail study of reservoir rocks using suits of well logging to enhanced the essential judgment of the reservoir potentiality. Feb 9, 2016 44 likes 14,700 views. Neutrons are created from a chemical source in the neutron logging tool which What Is Well Logging Well Logging: is the process of recording various physical, chemical and electrical properties for the geological formations and itʼsfluid contents during the drilling of a borehole. Outlines • Introduction • Borehole Environment • Invaded Zone, Flushed Zone, Uninvaded Zone • Invasion and Resistivity Profiles • Basic Information Needed in Log Interpretation • Exercises (#1A, #1B, #2A, #2B). 2. ” • Logging of Rock Cores for Engineering Purposes by the Geological Society[1]. In cable percussion boring, the driller is normally better placed than the logger to This document provides an overview of well logging techniques. Much of the information you will require is summarised in the AusIMM Field Geologists’ Manual [4] The primary borehole log may consist of a traditional paper log, a computer coding sheet or a composite paper log with imported geophysical data. This is necessary for the calculation of drilling charges, and while This research presents detailed notes on the penetrating geological formations of the wellbore. Borehole Televiewer or (BHTV) was used to obtain high-resolution acoustical images from the borehole wall. 5. The transition from manual data entry to digital logging streamlined the data collection process, reduced the risk of errors, and enhanced the accessibility of data for analysis and reporting. It s also useful in the detection of gas-bearing formations Well logging is a means of recording the physical, acoustic and electrical properties of the rocks penetrated by a well. Initially, it is the aim of the petrophysicist to differentiate between oil, gas and water bearing formations, estimate the porosity of the formations Note that in the process of migration the hydrocarbon replaces water in the reservoir rock because it is less dense than water. Unfortunately, the value of the fieldworks and the time and effort in undertaking them can often obscure the technical objectives of the investigation. The estimation of recoverable hydrocarbon. 1 introduction the sonic or acoustic log measures the travel. The results show a noticeable relationship between the borehole characteristics and the measured Hence there will also be a current flow in the borehole between the borehole opposite the shale beds and the borehole opposite the permeable bed to close the loop. Electrical well logging - Download as a PDF or view online for free. WELL LOG (The Bore Hole Image) What is well Logging Well log is a continuous record of measurement made in bore hole respond to variation in some physical properties of rocks through which the bore hole is drilled. This manual describes recommended procedures for carrying out borehole logging, concentrating on practical aspects of the operation of interest to those actually involved in day-to-day field work. Wireline logging is the basic methodology applied for carrying out the process of well logging. Engineering Site Characterisation (CVEN90044) Borehole Logging 4-1. Geophysical well logging - Download as a PDF or view online for free. As the drill cuts through rock at an identified depth, the type of rock in the cuttings that Non-destructive geophysical borehole logging viz. These tools, mainly developed in oil industry, have a restricted utility in water wells. However, studies valorising the chronostratigraphic potential of these datasets through time series analyses remain sparse despite the excellent completeness of downhole logging data retrieved in a fast and high-resolution fashion. The borehole log includes a description of relevant data applicable to the drilling of the borehole and to the core recovered. • Wireline Open hole Logging immediately after drilling ( before casing). You can check final exam date on your hall ticket. Ensure the details recorded are accurate and comprehensive. As a result, high permeability zones which allow quick buildup of mud cake, invade the least and low permeability zones invade the most or deepest. 804 ± 0. real time data. Non-permeable zones are not invaded. Well Logging: 01 borehole environment. Generate Practice test. the explanation of logging procedures (Soil and Rock Descriptions, Core Log Sheet Notes etc. GROUNDWATER. Page Visits. Aug 24, 2017 17 likes 8,307 views. Borehole logging, also known as well logging is the detailed recording of the in situ ground conditions encountered in a borehole. Traditionally Logs are display on papers shown in figure. Some sample logs Petrophysics MSc Course Notes The Borehole Environment Page 65 6. log analysis of all porosity data, and data should be corrected for the effect of compaction and hydrocarbon content. ch04_v2. ). download Download free PDF View PDF Note: in both a and b, the first Well-log data is used as the input including GR, DT, RHOB, LLD, and NPHI for model training, while core data is utilized for model validation. Note that invasion only occurs for porous and permeable formations, By adopting TabLogs’ platform for borehole logging and data management, WSDOT significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of their geotechnical investigations. Books; Discovery. However, the recovery of material from the ground for inspection at the surface can result in disturbance of the materials, the degree of which will depend on the material type and the drilling method. Unless otherwise indicated, the water levels presented on the test holelogs are the levels of free water or seepage in the test hole recorded at the given time of measuring. Course. The rapid advancement of well-logging techniques is observed in the 1980s and 1990s with the motivation of the petroleum industry to develop ever more cost-effective tech-nology to evaluate thin-bed and nonconventional reservoirs. Logging While Drilling (LWD) or measurement while drilling (MWD). Explore Top Notes. Note that depth is arranged vertically in feet or metres, and the header contains the name of the log curve and the range while the continuous the explanation of logging procedures (Soil and Rock Descriptions, Core Log Sheet Notes etc. It is also obtained through geophysical measurements made along the borehole axis by using special logging instruments that collect and record geotechnical data. The Borehole records are produced from a geologist’s or surveyor’s observations of the rock core extracted from the ground and typically include locality and lithological descriptions with depth and thickness. It is important to note that bore logs are not only used in water wells but also oil wells. When each log is run, the operator ensures that some measurements are included opposite the previously cased section above the log run as a test that the log tools are working correctly and to Borehole engineering logging surveys are performed to accurately acquire rock properties, structural stress-strain relationships, fracture statistics, and other in-situ properties for major tunneling and engineering projects. Now a days the log may be taken as films, images, and in digital format. This document discusses 307055_Well Logging 2016. Two different uses of geophone measurements are (1) using just the first arrival times at a relatively wide sampling interval to compute vertical traveltime measurements (a check-shot survey), or (2) using the entire signal Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. 002 g/cm3 for calibrating borehole logging tools that measure density based on gamma-ray scattering from a source in the tool. Traditionally Logs are display on girded papers shown in figure. THE BOREHOLE ENVIRONMENT 6. 2 shows the general borehole environment with invasion. 0 (0)Add a rating. EM 1110-1-4000 1 Nov 98 4-2 Figure 4-1. 4. Record significant color changes in the drilling fluid return, even when intact soil samples or rock core are being obtained. Logs can be presented in two forms of good geological logs, means visual inspection of surfacecarrying samples, and geophysical logs, means Geophysical Well Logging Caliper log CL Borehole diameter, log correction, well construction, fractures, lithology Most conditions Probe performance often affected by borehole deviation Temperature log TM Fluid movement in the borehole and/or behind casing Water filled Affected by disturbance to fluid column by probe motion Fluid conductivity FRL Geophysical well logging is a critical technique used to record various properties of subsurface geology surrounding boreholes, originally developed for the petroleum industry by the Schlumberger brothers in 1927. will be identified more serious ones accurate characterization of these deliberate breaks made parallel. 0. May 24, 2017 Download as PPTX, PDF 32 likes 12,587 views. Note: * indicates signatures on original. Geophysical logs may also Well Logging: 01 borehole environment - Download as a PDF or view online for free. The document discusses well logging, which involves using tools to record physical property measurements in boreholes. Partof the borehole log This overview will help in understanding how each piece of a logging course fits together. It then explains what a well log is and different types of logs used, including gamma ray, resistivity, sonic, and neutron logs. Inflow may have been observed had the borehole/test pit been left open for a longer period. The measurements are electrically transmitted via cable to the surface where they are recorded in digital format as a function of depth. Prepared by: [YOUR NAME] Date: [DATE] [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Log Overview. However, groundwater could be present in less permeable strata. It introduces well logging and describes the borehole environment. Examples of different types of The paper will note some key improvements and new advances over the past decade. Who uses borehole logs and why? Borehole logs are used by geologists, geoscientists, geotechnical engineer or It describes how well logging aims to evaluate subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations through measuring properties in boreholes. The required information result from visual inspection of samples brought to the surface or from geophysical measurements along the axis of a borehole carried out with a special logging device that is lowered into the hole. (Continued Borehole Logging 4-1. Info Bit: Borehole geophysical logging can be used to help locate new groundwater sources as well as remediate historically polluted areas, helping to maintain water quantity and quality. Take note that the required project and location information Well logging - Download as a PDF or view online for free. For a borehole to be properly logged, the driller and supervisor need to know its exact depth at all times. . Wire‐line Tools –Uranium Grade • Total Gamma – Indirect measurement of uranium (214Bi & 214Pb) – Cheap and reliable equipment – Measures • Borehole logging commonly uses slimline crystals of 1 to 4 cubic inches • Indirect method as The aim of borehole logging is to create a record of the in situ ground conditions. 1 The elements of well logging: a measurement sonde in a borehole, the wireline, and a mobile laboratory. The primary objectives of the wire line logging are The identification of reservoir The estimation of hydrocarbon in place. A standardized log spreadsheet is used in Classification of Logs Below is a list of the main types of logs that may be run, and why they are run during the life of the well. The document also notes that lake and marine sediments can indicate mineral deposits based on elements incorporated in sediments or WELL LOGGING Well log is a continuous record of measurement made in bore hole respond to variation in some physical properties of rocks through which the bore hole is drilled. This can be a limitation for some shallow regolith studies unless water Wireline logging notes Paul Glover - Free download as PDF File (. The physical properties of the rock strata Physical Sampling Borehole Logging Note: Uranium mineralisation is highly heterogeneous and nuggetty in many deposits. Skip to document. Principles and Interpretation Concepts in Sonic Logging Lecture Presentations Carlos Torres-Verdín, Ph. shale free) where the porosity is filled with water or oil, the neutron log measures the liquid-filled porosity ( L N, NPHI, or PHIN). Borehole logging information, a document useful for boreholes when drawing. qxd 8/5/04 10:52 AM Page 56 Drilling & Well This research presents detailed notes on the penetrating geological formations of the wellbore. In clean formation (i. Unless otherwise indicated, the water levels presented on the test holelogs are the levels of free water or seepage in BOREHOLE LOG SHEET 7/9/2018 Date Completed : 7/9/2018. This approach including the following: 1. D. Note that resistivity logs only work if the downhole probe is below the water table. The Temperature Log is a tool for measuring the borehole temperature. Jensen, PETE 321 Lecture Notes. Some sample logs AI-generated Abstract. Well logs are results of several geophysical measurements recorded in a well bore. Modern sonic tools have Learn more about WELL LOGGING - Well log is a continuous recording of geophysical parameters Logging : to } Knowt. Numerous borehole logging datasets gathered for commercial and scientific purposes are available around the globe. Borehole engineering logging surveys are performed to accurately acquire rock properties, structural stress-strain relationships, fracture statistics, and other in-situ properties for major tunneling and engineering projects. As well as well as one of rockmust be a continental margin in egypt, a • Logging of Rock Cores for Engineering Purposes by the Geological Society[1]. 1 Introduction Wireline logging has a single clearly defined purpose: Figure 6. From the early measurement of electrical properties by means of normal and lateral resistivity curves, modern logging has progressed Borehole Cement Grout Borehole logging. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University. Below is a list of the main types of logs that may be run, and why they are run during the life of the well. The arrows in Fig. The transition from manual data entry to digital logging streamlined the data collection process, reduced the risk of errors, and enhanced the accessibility of data for analysis WHAT IS LOGGING? 3 Fig. • Wireline Cased Hole Logging (after casing ). For Well Logging-Short Notes Mahmoud Badawy Related papers Download a PDF Pack of t 8,455 236 420KB Read more. 0 The borehole/test pit was dry soon after excavation. log 07 sonic log 08 density log 09 neutron log 10 litho density 11 tdt 12 plt Abnormal pressure Zones caliper log Notes on shale and clay mineral Katleho P LETELE CV Geophysical borehole logging is the process of measuring physical, chemical, and structural properties of penetrated geological formations using tools that are lowered into a borehole on a wireline cable. Key developments in ground geophysics over the past decade include: • SQUID technology - ground EM provides a 4 fold increase (1997) summarizes the use of nuclear borehole logging methods for ore grade estimation and indicates that although the technology is suitable for mining 6. khaled Zidan. It then outlines the main types of well logging as electrical, radioactivity, sonic, and miscellaneous. This operation is achieved by the use of bow-springs attached to the exterior, or by A distinction is drawn between the borehole log and the corelog. natural gamma log, gamma-gamma density log and neutron-neutron log), electrical logging and sonic or acoustic logging, etc. General Each boring log should fully describe the subsurface A general note on the log should indicate meter manufacturer, model, serial number, and calibration material. Include the color change (from and to), depth at A Practical Introduction to Borehole Geophysics: An Overview of Wireline Well Logging Principles for Geophysicists (Full e-book) Checkout Show Description Geophysicists are intensive users of well log information. in continuous fashion as a function of depth by The log information needed to create a borehole log is obtained through visual inspection of samples obtained from the geotechnical process. 6 - Porosity Logs. General Each boring log should fully describe the subsurface Note the total depth of drilling and sampling on the log. Notes: Mud cake is the sealing agent which slows down invasion. 002 g/cm3 and 2. pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Well Logging is the technique of making petrophysical Logging speed Borehole environment Mud Type 7. txt) or read online for free. It provides an overview of geophysical logs and physical properties logs. Note . At the same time, geophysical technology also advanced A bore log refers to a record detailing the in-situ conditions and aspects of geotechnical exploration activities such as drilling boreholes and mining. Oct 26, 2021 0 likes 771 views. Submit Search. Special abbreviations used on a log and/or well Well logging - Download as a PDF or view online for free. qjyzagjjewvusfulbxvtcqykeociwupbccjppmsysdmtwjbjwxikyrvqhhgqwbhkgjluw