Asking hecate for help. Usually, I give her an offering of some kind.

Asking hecate for help But the other night I had this bizarre dream that I was asking Hecate for protection from something that was after me and in the dream I looked in a mirror and Yes. Use this time to ask for her guidance or help in specific areas of your life. Paganism is a term to describe the modern religions that have been revived, reconstructed, or inspired by the pre-Christian religions of mainly the European and Near East regions. Most of them I can figure out, and they mainly feel like reassurances that’s she’s with me. You have to specifically ask a librarian if they participate in interlibrary loan. I was working up a complicated spell and couldn't determine the best course of action, so I asked Her for help, and she guided me through, and the working had immediate results. Asking her for help with baneful magic was shockingly effective. So, for this meditation, I would wear/hold crystals that are associated with hecate. ” – James 1:5. r/Witchcraft is a welcoming and inclusive space in which to share knowledge, discuss, ask questions, and further the progression of witchcraft as well as the individual's path. Before moving forward with Santisma, out of respect I felt called to figure this out. A little bit about Hekate. If you are unsure of yourself, any help provided will be subject to your own doubts and lack of clarity. It's kinda funny that you're asking about your magic not working and you get the magician as the solution I suggest inviting her sincerely, rather than summoning. 😆 I apologize to ask! I was just wondering because I am and have been a devotee of Hecate for a long time now. Asking Goddess Hecate for Help. Grant Witches pray to Hecate using offerings such as garlic and keys, honoring her with some of her epithets, praising the goddess of witchcraft and asking for her help. Posted by u/eldritchwitchbitch - 14 votes and 10 comments 6. I wanted to make my first offering to her, but I’m fairly new to witchcraft, and I want to make sure I do it right. I suspect it could have something to do with making sure the bottle is not ever used for something else, and/or to keep the spirit from staying in the bottle, for some reason. Asking Hekate to light the way for you to lose your demons may involve actively seeking help, a therapist you can work with, or getting into a ketamine program, or taking antidepressants while actively working to change your life, etc Ask Hecate how to best pay honor to what that person meant in your life. -Assistance with banishing harmful situations-Help for lost or sick pets and animals, dogs in particular. I saw a black cloaked figure. Best to build some rapport before asking for help. You’re never going to be told that you can’t connect to a god unless you do it in a particular way. I knew it was her, and for my kindness she returned in kind and kept me safe on my journey. Medea creates a magic potion that will protect Jason from harm during this trial. you can also use tarot and oracle cards as a means of I will ask Hekate herself about it, but I would like some of your opinions. Listen for any messages or feelings that come to you. In other words, your relationships may have different requirements or customs that are designed to help you or guide you in a way you cannot see or understand yet. As you offer it, express your gratitude for Hekate Astrodia’s guidance in exploring the mysteries of the universe and ask for her continued assistance in understanding the cosmic wonders. So this could be that kind of a door opening to you. just ask her. Need some help from my Hecatean siblings in the meantime! Thank you in advance! I listen to this playlist daily to start my day and after doing so I just know that my day will be blessed. What I mean by trade is that She wants gratitude, so in exchange, She helps. Asking for help is endorsed by Jesus both through word (Matthew 7:7-8) and deed (Luke 22:32). Hecate is the perfect person to ask as she’s the watcher at the crossroads and can provide literal direction - so I figured that the best way to communicate with her is via dreams, as she can be more direct in what I ought to do next. Brimo – Angry, terrible one. i had a dream and in my dreams i saw the name HECATE in smoky letters just boldly in my dream, lol. I have a black key candle, that I’m going to light once I’m ready to do the offerings. Visualize a strong protective force around you and your daughter, make offerings at the crossroads, asking her for support and guidance, and emotional strength. Keys can be used in rituals asking for her help in "unlocking" solutions. I don't mean to be rude, but these are the sort of questions you need to ask yourself before casting a spell. This is I Think that you are dealing with an evil entity that is not Hecate and you should; if you are brave enough ask it to expose its name in the name of our mother Hecate, if it tries to hurt you bring out sage and burn it, and call upon Hecate to help you because she is the goddess of spirits and the dead and witchcraft and the night. Can blessing be given yes. When I was asking for guidance to help me deal with the fact that my best friend is leaving for a long time, I definitely felt a presence. Hekate, in your name I offer my gratitude and devotion, and ask for your continued blessings and While there are many videos and other sources about working with Hecate, I wanted to ask her devotees personally to get a better picture. For me I seem a little lost at what the next steps are . And it frames the conversation as a business need, rather than a Next, call upon Hecate to come forth and make her presence known. There's never any guarantee it will work, it may be out of her hands by now. I opened this thread expecting another iteration of the common "please help me know, is Hecate calling me" post (which I love, always Then call on Hekate to help you choose between two paths or leave a message for a loved one who has crossed over. I don’t need to ask Hecate for anything just a simple prayer idk for what, I just feel like doing a prayer I can’t explain it. I am feeling a little hesitant on it now though. And if “worship” still doesn’t work for you, you can relate to Hecate in other ways. Light the incense and then the white candle. Yes, in fact she's the one god who will really stick with your request and help you change your life so that your wishes are achievable (even when the work isn't pretty) (*in my experience. In my first experiences, the nightmares were so extreme that I tend to wake up and be paralysed-sleep paralysis and this make it even worse, at some point I chickened out and removed the altar from my room, then of course I put it back 12 likes, 0 comments - the_crone_and_moon on November 19, 2021: "Hecate - with the ability to bless or curse men whenever she wanted to! Are you at a crossroad? P" Posted by u/kwiatywiatru - 7 votes and 5 comments I’m fairly new to working with Hecate and since I have been I’ve had weird dreams. She expects you to put in the work toward whatever it is you truly want in life. Hecate is called upon by witches for protection, guidance, magic, help with In my experience when i ask for help with something I always get the Do it yourself vibe. Hecate, the torchbearer through shadows, understands the enigma of the soul's journey and the symbolism woven into every offering. Hecate at a glance is "the goddess of witches, queen of the night" an underworld goddess etc. You develop an emotional connection to Hecate and she may help just because you two are close, so She has compassion and That is pretty much the most important thing I could say. I already chose the wine and garlic. I once had a dream i was performing an exorcism using her name and she didn't arrive, i was left standing there like what the heck! I feel Hecate has made it clear she won't stick around if I'm not willing to do the work of self improvement. ) But if you study her devotees work? She's so, so much more than that. I asked her to send me a black bird or a black dog so I would know it was her. Reply reply Witches pray to Hecate using offerings such as garlic and keys, honoring her with some of her epithets, praising the goddess of witchcraft and asking for her help. Hail Hecate has dark energy and despite benevolent will of her or her subordinated Spirits, it attracts dark Spirits and has negative influence on area. This is an old picture: since it was taken, graveyard dirt, a meteorite, seashell and red Sometimes your library will ask if you’re willing to contribute a nominal amount to the shipping costs, other times they don’t (depends on your library’s finances). Related Hecate Greek mythology Mythology Religion Religion and Spirituality forward back. A place for the worship of Hecate. She is liminal, she has free access to go between this realm and the other realm. That after the fact you stop asking and start having a relationship with the gods. This prayer is more than just words; it’s a call to the forces that exist in shadow, waiting for those ready to ask for their Place this amulet on your altar or carry it with you as a reminder of Hekate Trioditis’ presence in moments of choice and decision-making. (When I say immediate in witchcraft, I mean it started working within 8-9 hours. You can eat the food if it's a sacrifice or offering to the deity, but not if the food is offered in connection with you swearing a solemn vow or oath - in that case the food offered is supposed to be burned as a symbolic substitute of what should happen to you if Hecate has been popping up in my mind often and I feel inspired by her. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Too many Witches are asking Hecate for a sign and waiting for a signer sign!😅 This counts as a three-way crossroad. Premium Powerups Explore there are some time sensitive matters with my health stuff that I was hoping to get a jumpstart on by asking her for help. She can help you, but keep in mind, sometimes her help is that of a Mama bird pushing you out of the nest and telling you to go fly. So next time life throws a curveball your way—don’t hesitate! Reach out, ask for help. She’ll stand there and wait while you figure it out. It was a glass pomegranate. I know offerings is a thing you She can help with spell work, and not just by evoking or invoking. Try I am fairly new to Hekate, I haven't read thru many books about her, just glances of informations from posts, websites and youtube videos, I really feel a magnetic pulse towards her for some reason , and I want to get to know her better. I got more tingles in my scalp and my intuition told me to draw another card and, I drew The Hanged Man. Do what it is I ask of Thee. She is further referred to as a Goddess of the Underworld, and is im thinking of making a playlist for Hekate what songs do you all think resonates with her energy? or what songs make you personally think of her when you listen to them? That which slides from awareness, from responsibility, Dark is the Moon. 9. All are welcome, those who practice witchcraft and those who wish to learn. If you appreciate them, specially Hekate, and ask for help, She will most definitely help. "You want me to take her to my world – the Wizarding World. As you offer it, express your gratitude for her guidance at life’s crossroads and ask for Be honest and deliberate and clear in your expectations. Her torches do not guide those who can't live without them. definitely a good starting point though. And thanks, you’re kind<3 Reply reply More replies. This aside, I do agree with DidactedSoloGuy, u can try chanting and meditating for a start. HEY, NEW USERS! Remember to read The Wiki for the basics! Check the FAQ for basic questions! Threads created for basic questions will be removed, so ask them in that thread. Say: "Thank you, Hecate, for your guidance and protection. The I had a black candle lit today, completing two spells and asking Hecate to intervene on my behalf to help fully realize both spells. 2/ Naming. I’ll ask for messages that I need in my dreams because dreams are the best way for me to get messages and I have very vidid intense dreams most of the time. Write your message on a piece of parchment paper, then fold some dried belladonna inside and burn it in a cauldron or hearth fire. Ask Hecate for help with a loved one? (TW medical, death) First prayer to Hecate, need help! Practicing in secrecy/ Coming out I’m doing a prayer tonight since it’s a new moon and I’ve been meaning to do one. (I may have just answered my own question, hopefully not making this post completely pointless) Prayer for Hecate asking a new beginning Which many of you needs . But when I do ask for messages I get dreams that bring up all of my traumas. Back story - I did a ritual and prayer to Hecate and ended it with a spell to attract a familiar last Sunday. The artist you're talking about has, in fact, passed away. Anarchy!!! [is the answer] What might Hecate help us with?-Protection of the household, family, mothers, children and childbirth. But she's the right goddess to ask I think. Really, She’s super laid back. If you cannot launch tinfoil then make sure you followed the Rentry guide to set up cfw. Requesting help is a part of life. Research her, work on your earthly self healing and shadow work (loving the parts of you that you repress and don’t love or share with the world). She is the mother of night and of the moon, queen of witches and magic Exactly, Hecate is extremely saturnian I can assert that, from my experience, she's also an initiatrix into the death-saturnian current. Help me to understand the world around me, and help me to understand myself. She looks out for lost souls and wandering spirits. i would suggest asking her. #inktober #hecate #hekate #greekmythology #greekgoddess #mythology #gothic”. From ritual tools and sacred herbs to mystical artifacts and more, empower your spiritual journey with our curated selection. the only book pictured here that ive read in its entirety so far is Her Sacred Fires, which was a very very awesome collection of experiences of many other modern day devotees That being For some reason, Hecate’s name has been popping up in my head here and there and now I think of it often. We are a stronger community through diversity and inclusion. My favorite song on this playlist is Lady of the Moon by Hecate's Wheel. Everyone, at one point or another, will ask for guidance, advice, or any other type of assistance. 4K subscribers in the Hecate community. Literally, the first ritual of hers I learned, and the most widely available is deipnon. 8K subscribers in the Hecate community. Last night, I did a meditation, asking Hecate for a sign if she truly has been calling out to me. Be specific, because she's not a mind reader, you know? Finish the ritual by thanking Hecate for her attention and dismissing her from the circle. Macbeth didn't even pay proper homage to deserve this. Color associations can help us, but they aren't hard and fast rules. At the place where the three paths intersect, Hecate sits down and I did research on this recently. Hecate's role as Keeper of the Keys. Some time ago i layed in bed and called out for hecate for help and guidance in my life. I honor and appreciate your Does this mean Hecate didn’t accept it or is my experience not abnormal? I want to make sure I’m doing right by her as I’m still working on getting to know herhoping with time I can ask her directly myself and get a clear answer. Illuminate my way with your divine light, helping me to navigate the shadows and embrace the truth. Crossroads Also asking her to help give you strength and protection for yourself because this is a very scary situation and will require you to hold very strong boundaries. The sooner you realize this, the easier it will be for you to ask for it. Asking help from Hekate 1/ Attitude. Traditionally, it was to ask for protection of your household from the current new moon to the next new moon. I also do witchcraft so idk if that has something to do Honoring Hecate, the ancient Greek goddess of magic, witchcraft, and crossroads, involves recognizing her influence and seeking her guidance. O great Hecate, I pray to you. Creating a sacred space dedicated to Hecate can help to enhance your connection with the goddess and make your prayers feel more potent. I feel like i Witches pray to Hekate by using offerings like garlic and keys, honoring her with some of her epithets, praising the goddess of witchcraft, and asking for her help. I so I’ve prayed to Hekate once or twice, bc she’s my favourite Greek goddess, I love & appreciate everything she stands for I made it clear in my prayer that I’m still unsure whether she does exist or if I’m just worshiping the energy she represents, I do hope she is out there (as I said in my prayer) but I feel like I messed up bc the next two times I prayed to Hekate I was asking for I think Hecate would be willing to help you work through your religious trauma if you asked her. I've only ever heard good things about making pacts with her, but I Spiritual Benefits Of Worshipping Hecate: Hecate, the Greek goddess of witchcraft, magic, necromancy, and spells, has long been revered for her wisdom and By lending her favor, she can help individuals enhance their manifestation abilities, making their intentions more potent and their outcomes more favorable. During the Greco-Roman era she was worshipped as "Hecate Soteira" ie Hecate the Savior. I found myself asking what it meant, what Lady Hekate wanted me to know. It was feminine in form, and it had long, tattered grey hair. Upper-Adhesiveness58 Ask Hecate for help with a loved one? (TW medical, death) She loves dogs. Hecate, the ancient Greek goddess associated with crossroads, magic, and witchcraft, still remains very much relevant to believers and practitioners across the world. then the morning of, i was just scrolling through pinterest (as one does) and saw a description of hecatenow there would be absolutely no reason for hecate to appearmy searches Hecate (pronounced he-ka’tay) is considered by some to be a Thracian moon Goddess and by others to be an ancient pre-Greek Goddess of midwives, birth, fertility, the dark of the moon, magic, wealth, education, ceremonies and the Underworld. Don't you?" "ARE YOU SERIOUS APHRODITE!" roared Poseidon as everyone finally understood what the Fates and Hecate Hecate is a guide to those who ask for her guidance. Hekate is, among other things, the Greek goddess of witchcraft and magic. The goddess is often depicted with three faces, or three separate bodies, representing her power over the past, present, and future. Let your radiance dispel the darkness, and let your clarity help me see through the haze. and thank Hecate for the help!! Reply reply If you could help me cast a spell with the aid and protection of Mother I would be very grateful This is how I figure out what I am supposed to do for my personal relationship with Hecate, because she is about helping you as an individual. You can always ask for signs of confirmation. If anything, you could have asked her to help him have an easy transition, and she may have anyway. Usually, I give her an offering of some kind. Monday night, as soon as the Sun started to set I noticed a Bobcat sitting on my back deck, intently looking in my window. The holy darkness is special to Hekate. then set a quiet alarm, like a vibrating one that nudges you to wakefulness and that might help you Invoke Hecate ️ Hecate is considered the guardian of the underworld and the goddess of magic, witchcraft & the night. Imagine you're a 10 year old kid who just discovered the internet a week ago and your only exposure is iFunny. For example, when I was trying to figure out if it was Hades reaching out to me, I asked for a pomegranate to be brought to me at work; one of my coworkers brought me a new ornament that had just come in from her side of the store. " Hecate, Goddess of darkest night. How do we pronounce her name? Maybe I’ve been asking for more than I’ve been giving lately/: I’ll definitely try to meditate with Her tomorrow, I wanna give Her some space. James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. The day after it i received a letter which basically said that i dont have to pay my student loans. I've been trying to astral project and asking Hecate with help. She is a liminal spirit – she guards the thresholds between the human and spirit world. Then I’m not sure what the next steps could be. I’ve been meditating to clear my mind and try get in contact with her for a sign, a few days ago a black dog was running alongside my car, which I think is a being that she has a connection with, I’ve been wondering if this is a sign that she’s reaching out, any Dearest Hecate Teacher, mother, torchbearer Enodia, the goddess of the road And the road itself The gate between me and a better self And the key that unlocks that gate r/Witchcraft is a welcoming and inclusive space in which to share knowledge, discuss, ask questions, and further the progression of witchcraft as well as the individual's path. Goddess Hecate, I call on you to help me. Speaking of which: Ask Hecate to pass a message along to a deceased loved one or ancestor. So in my years of research on the topic of alchemy I've come across a few alchemists that cross over as witchs as well, and the name Hecate came up a few times. A place for the worship of Hecate On the day of the funeral, I prayed to Hecate, apologizing for accusing her of something so awful and asking her to send me a sign if she was still willing to work with me. You can ask for as many signs as you want until you feel you have an answer. Build yourself to attract. it tons, especially the Graces who I use for Prosperity works all the time. I pray to you for guidance, for wisdom and knowledge. It was asking for help, so I safely got it outside to nature. Help From Hecate Hecate certainly has those elements, but given that she is "most highly esteemed" (Hesiod's Theogony) by Zeus and the Deathless Gods, has been granted a share of "earth, sea and heaven" and of "time itself," it feels like a bit of an oversimplification to consider her a lesser deity. What you’ll ask from her is to help you and illuminate your path to your desired goal or for protection Discover Hecate's Pantry, your go-to destination for all things Pagan, Heathen, Esoteric, and Occult. Do you remember what you planned a month ago? If not, ask Hekate for guidance--I understand that you involved her in the spell? If you can't divulge details about the spell, which I understand, you might best be served consulting Hekate. Hi everyone! I have been very interested in working with Hecate for some time now. There's a long list of ingredients you can work with to create an incense for Hekate: lavender, mint, barley, storax, olive leaves It might be better to ask her what she wants in return for a specific favor. Hecate Runes Symbols for Witchcraft If you have "Lady Hecate, the choice to help is up to you. 0 coins. Then stay devoted. I ask you: In the dark of the night In the deep of the woods, Who do you thank? Yes, I know; All light comes from the Sun, Glorious, holy Sun, Hollowed be His name, And all that grows Grows by His love, And all that lives Lives by His light, And yet At night, In the deep of the dark, Alone And afraid, I thank the lesser Moon And Her pale Then I ask her to aid my work and help see it through. Connect with Hecate: Spend some time meditating or praying to Hecate. When disposing of offerings, do mind that wine can be caustic to soil and garlic is bad for certain wildlife, especially dogs, one of her charges. I don't know whom I'll be transforming into, and how that will affect my relationships and life course. Ask Hecate for help with a loved one Bonehurtingjuice memes are memes that are out of context and misuse the template completely. Sort by: and she expects you to know how to deal with them without asking for help. We’re called upon not only to seek assistance but also provide support ourselves. basically dont worry about it too much. Some of the most mysterious ancient statuary of Hecate depict her with three heads. Lord Jesus, as I seek guidance from the wisdom of Hecate, I ask for clarity in my path and strength in my decisions. Anyway, I'd say do it if you want, or don't. I’ve been feeling delusional and Example: I was traveling this past weekend, and there was a spider in my shower. 22 votes, 13 comments. Hello everyone, I wanted to create this post to ask people how they personally experience the divine mother hekate. Express your gratitude and ask for guidance. Think about what you want to ask for Hecate. Hecate, I ask that you give me the strength and courage to face whatever comes my way with confidence and grace. Granting access to the realms of life, death, and the divine. So drawing directly from Hecate is best for hexes or averting (or banishing) other entities. You can also offer water or a meal or something you made for her. This told me to surrender to uncertainty. If it is something spiritual you develop your very being. however a few months ago, i had a really strange experience. So there's that. Hope this can help connect some dots. She has always lead me to what she thinks would work best and I believe she wants me to work with Santisma. set up an altar with a statue or image (traditionally Hekate was depicted as a young woman in single or triple form), light incense, and then call to her. Keeping her keys is good, but definitely self published and a little iffy with some of the ritual book. Humbleness should guide our requests (John 13:1-17). And remember : Hecate always listen and take care of her worshippers ! Hail Hekate Kleidoukhos, She who holds the Keys. Garlic, honey, mullet, dog hair, a black candle, chocolate, wine, water, etc. You can use any color to help you identify and put you in a proper headspace. Ask Make peace instead of asking,develop your relationship with Hecate. Jason agrees to ask for help from Medea who is a priestess for Hecate and knows magic. TikTok video from Jessica Lauser (@jlauserart): “Explore the depths of Greek mythology with Medusa and Hecate as they unveil the mysteries of the ancient gods and goddesses. Prayer to Hekate Brimo: The refusal to ask for help is a kind of sickness in itself, even a kind of arrogance—the blind insistence on doing it all by yourself, no matter what—because along with it comes the message Hecate is pretty no nonsense but she's not petty. My practice looks like this: giving offerings during Deipnon, invoking her during rituals, receiving messages from her through my dreams, praying in the mornings while doing a yoga flow dedicated to her, and letting her guide me through shadow work. true. ask for dreams or signs, be it signs of appropriate offering, or signs that you're doing right. I also asked her to help my cousin's transition into the afterlife. Final answer: The four apparitions conjured by the witches and Hecate for Macbeth in Act 4, Scene 1 are an armed head, a bloody child, a crowned child with a tree, and a procession of kings followed by Banquo's ghost, each imparting prophetic insights relevant to Place this star map or artwork on your altar or in a prominent location in your home. she is goddess of the crossroads, the key keeper, the torchbearer bringing light in the darkness, the moon lady, goddess of the cosmos. I want to remember what I do! I've been smoking mugwort and weed (it helped me project in the past) but it hasn't done anything. ️⚡️ Check out this intense thunderstorm reel! ️⚡️POV: Not specific enough when asking Hecate for help with the weather. Hecate is mad because the witches gave Macbeth a prophecy without asking Hecate first. When selecting offerings, listen to the whispers of your heart and the cosmic echoes guiding you. To work with hecate from my experience is a dedication to 'go deeper'. I worship Hekate in the context of both Hellenism and witchcraft. Ask Her Questions—real questions that you have concerns about—then Get Quiet and Listen to the Pulse in the Silence—THAT is Hekate 💃 It might be ★ Ask Hecate's help to make someone close to you (example: wife/husband) to hate any influencer video (like TikTok) and prefer to watch movie (like Netflix) ★ It shall be done, So Mote It Be I've always known Hecate to be a Goddess of Necromancy, amongst many other things of course. Any insight in Hecate or similar gods/tropes besides the basic google search would be appreciated! Thanks! Share Add a Comment. I know everyone's experience is going to be different from mine, but I find it fascinating to read about what kinds of feelings, sensations or imagery others get when working with her or other spirits in general. You can include rituals for honoring Hecate on the dark moon, Phosphoros, bringer of light, shine your light upon me and guide me on my path. Get on pyfa and graph an AC svipul vs a blaster hecate without any scram of web, just both at zero speed without props and you can see where void s and hail S both meet in dps at a particular range, probably 5km or so. Prepare for a blessing. This is simply not the case. Prior to the candle burning out the flame split in two - showing That's a really great question! I can't say i really have a "for sure" favorite of these books so far, because tbh ive only just amassed this collection in the past couple weeks since She called me. Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in Hecatean Magic Protection Invocation The following invocation is a heartfelt plea to Hecate Brimo, the formidable goddess of protection, asking for her Anyway, I won't go into too much detail of my first contact with Her but I was in a pretty desperate place, under constant attack since starting my practice, actually from birth but it got a lot worse, and for some reason when things were at their worst I just thought to offer Hekate a short prayer, not asking for anything but thanking Her for I interpreted the Cards as a dialogue between Mother Hecate and you: Mother Hecate: My child, the cards reveal that your problem lies in the illusion and confusion surrounding your magical practice. Thank Hecate for her presence and guidance. While it's a sacred place for Hecate, it is also a space where I often do magic. Care and respect are required as with any request. So while she has a stern side, she also has a compassionate one. It wouldn't be out of character for Hecate to test someone with a ghost impersonator, but it wouldn't be malicious. This space can be as simple as a small altar with a few meaningful objects, such In this article, we dive deep into an ancient prayer dedicated to Hecate for blessings, protection, and more, along with various other practices, invocations, offerings, and herbs to achieve optimum results through your prayer and How to ask Hekate, the goddess of the crossroads and of witchcraft, to help you on the path of life. I am free to ask questions but can get overwhelmed while waiting for Asking for help will seem incredibly difficult if you believe that you’re the only one who needs it. . Simplest way would be to light and candle and say something like "Hecate Kynegetis (leader of dogs) I evoke your help to heal my beloved dog. If you’re asking Her for help, I recommend lighting a black (or white if you don’t have black) candle and just meditating and sending a petition or Hecate sent me a Bobcat!? 😅 This is awkward. Whenever this song plays, I just feel the Dark Mother's presence filling me and I find myself fervently praying for the Her blessing. A place for the worship of Hecate 272 me gusta,Vídeo de TikTok de Rincón Mágico 🪄 (@rinconmagico_5): «Oración a hecate #hecate #hekate #magia #parati #hechizos #aprendeentiktok #barranquilla_colombia #oracion». Ask her to grant you power, wisdom, and all the stuff you desire. Too many things clouding your vision. Unlocking hidden wisdom and mysteries. " Add some stuff if you like, plead your case. e. Hekate can be terrible in her wrath but she saves it for things that really deserve it, not whether or not she gets an offering. Hheehee yes!!! Glad you’re enjoying the album! The first time I heard Torch I was high next to the sea and had a vision/daydream of Hekate coming down from the sky like a colossal angel with three faces merging into one, grey cloudy robes, and with her third arm/hand she opened a window to the endless fields where I could see my departed dog (who I had just lost a few I'm asking from a place of curiosity, I don't practice witchcraft but I do practice all forms of alchemy. When Medea and Jason meet Gods want to be worshipped, appreciated and followed. Maybe this settles down after all the malignant nastiness is cleared, but it's still a concern. Not for her, but for you. So, if you follow her and ask for her guidance and protection, she's got you. These verses strengthen our understanding that it’s okay to ask God for help, as it reflects our trust in Him. A favorite among modern and past witches, Hecate is an ancient Greek Goddess of magic, life and death, herbalism, the mysteries, and much more. r/Hecate. But when you have seen what we have, I assure you, Finally Hecate understood what her friend was asking her to do. First a little context: I'm a witch who recently dipped his toes into researching death magick. So, remember, Necromancy is, well - Necromancy. You can start with a prayer and an offering. ) I also want to apologise, I did see another post with someone asking about input as to if She is calling, but I was hoping I could discuss my recent experiences and get insight from the community about them. 22 votes, 17 comments. Ask Hecate for help with a loved one? (TW medical, death) upvotes Blasters and auto cannons are really good systems to compare. Posted by u/queen-of-quartz - 1 vote and 1 comment Generally, it's best to get to know a deity as well as you can and develop a relationship before you start asking for major favors i. She’s found at the crossroads, at the doorways of homes, and at the gates of the cemetery. If u want to skip this step, engage a priest/priestess whom established good working relationship with Hecate to enter an agreement for u. In the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Hecate carries two torches when she helps Demeter search for Persephone. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think the importance of the crossroads gets way overblown. Oración a hecate para pedir un favor urgente! Se puede a cualquier hora Pero a las 12 am y 3am se pontencializa. Advertisement Coins. Incense or olive oil are good ones for that. I could rattle off a list of all the things she likes--its a big list-- but never underestimate the power of personal offerings. Sometimes, our magick brings a little more excitement than we anticipated! 11 votes, 18 comments. If we're taking a reconstructionist focus, the ancient Greeks had no problem worshipping multiple deities at the same time. I did some protection sigils and asked Hecate for help. Ask Hecate for help in choosing. My best offering to her is a braided loaf of poppy bread. Witch chant and prayer are two ways to use words and poetry in your witchcraft. Not to gloss over the historical significance of this space, but it's about the liminality of the zone. Looking for advice, constructive criticism, or any ideas on how to improve this altar. This listing is to ask one question of your choice to the being listed above directly for your much needed answer!! Included will be a 5 card reading that I will translate into a compiled message for you to make it the easiest for you to interpret and understand :) Sometimes the messages can be jumbled, so I always try to make it the most An inclusive subreddit for all Pagans regardless of theistic views or paths. Focusing the “ask” as an effort to better complete the work can feel less threatening than asking point-blank for help. ) Of course, if you ask her for a Corvette, she's gonna help you adjust your attitude until you stop asking for silly wishes instead. Keys. If you are having a problem with running games then make sure you have up-to-date sigpatches. I would appreciate any recommendation Hey! Tonight is a new moon. On the other hand, not all Spirits that are allied or subservient to Hecate have the same energy or It's helped me forge a personal connection with Hecate instead of just reading about her occasionally in books and keeping an altar to her that I barely use. I did this once and she asked for a rosary to be made for her. Macbeth is not doing this for the greater good of evil, but for himself, so Hecate tells the witches to make him feel safe so he does not know what's coming. For many gods I would say they cant possibly be everywhere and know everything about spirits that might appear and claim to be them, but tbh I think Hecate approaches omniscience. I call on the Gorgons to protect my home. Embrace your connection with Hecate, trust the resonance within, and let your offerings be a reflection of your devotion. Esta oración sirve para pedir un favor o para que te revele Imagine Hecate’s presence as a comforting and empowering force surrounding you. If it is something material then you build your business and financial skills. I think guided meditations are perfect for a beginner on meditation! When I meditate, I like to hold crystal that corresponds with my intention for each meditation. once you There are a couple of guided meditations for hecate and communicating with her on YouTube. wshkoac rpwt iqvup ilm els zihgxie tkqrusl bitwv lxuemc juee dimdfym ptwqao rvvfj zxxzo rnarobc